
Services oplin

OPLIN provides a wide variety of additional, Internet-related services to Ohio public libraries.


Internet Laura Solomon (not verified)

OPLIN (Ohio Public Library Information Network) provides Internet services to the public library systems of Ohio. For the most part, we provide one broadband connection to the main library of each system, and access to the commodity Internet for any public library which routes Internet-bound traffic through our network core in Columbus, Ohio. While OPLIN also provides some other services to libraries, none of them are possible without our dependable, robust, broadband network connections.

One of the unusual characteristics of OPLIN is the fact that it provides and manages this physical network connecting libraries to the Internet; most other library “information networks” primarily deliver content and services over a physical network provided by some other organization. When OPLIN was established in 1995-96, the network was built from copper-wire ‘T1’ circuits. In 2006, fiber-optic ‘Ethernet’ circuits began replacing the older T1 circuits.

Service objectives:

  • Incident Response: OPLIN staff will respond within one hour to malfunctions of Internet connections during regular business hours Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding State of Ohio holidays; contact us through the OPLIN Support site. After-hours support is provided 24/7/365 through the Ohio Office of Information Technology (OIT): AFTER HOURS NUMBER FOR NETWORK OUTAGES ONLY, 614-644-6860.
  • Incident Resolution: OPLIN staff and/or OIT staff will open an incident ticket with the telecommunications vendor(s) and will work collaboratively toward resolving the incident within 4 hours.


How does OPLIN decide how much bandwidth my library will get?

We try to buy circuits big enough so every OPLIN participant has an Internet connection that is large enough to insure that the participant's average circuit utilization does not exceed 70% during peak hours.


Does our library have to go through OPLIN for network services?

No. Libraries can purchase network services from any vendor. However, since OPLIN offers a free connection between each library system and the Internet, OPLIN network service is almost always the best deal.


Can OPLIN provide my branch internet connection?

Yes. If a library wishes, OPLIN will contract with a service provider to deliver one gigabit service to branch locations; we will pay the charges and file for E-rate reimbursements. Once a year, the library will get a bill for $2,000 per branch. Contact the OPLIN Support Center for more information.


Does my library have to go through OPLIN to get network connections for branches?

No. If you don't choose OPLIN's service for branch connections, we recommend you follow E-rate procedures for soliciting, evaluating, and selecting bids. It is a good idea to contact your local telephone company and any nearby cable or wireless providers for their circuit rates. We also offer the option to go through our state contracts (at discounted rates) for library branch connection circuits; contact the OPLIN Support Center for more information. Each library must decide the best compromise of quality, price, and performance to meet their needs. The OPLIN Support Center will be happy to review any plans provided by local vendors and give advice.


Does OPLIN provide any help with network planning?

To help you keep up with the network demands of your libraries, OPLIN staff can prepare bandwidth usage reports and a review of options available through the State of Ohio. Contact the OPLIN Support Center for more information.


How far in advance do I need to contact the OPLIN Support Center if my library needs to get a new circuit or move an existing circuit?

We recommend that you contact the OPLIN Support Center for information and costs prior to placing any circuit request, and we also recommend that you place your circuit request at least ninety (90) days before your library needs to have the circuit installed or removed.


Connections and Network Infrastructure

Connections and Network Infrastructure oplin

The OPLIN Support Center can assist you with obtaining circuits under state contracts ("Contracts" tabs) as well as other connectivity services. There are currently several state contracts with several telecommunications vendors that offer a wide variety of services, prices, and options. You can contact OPLIN Support at 614-728-5252 (888-966-7546),, or at the OPLIN Support website to receive assistance with finding the connectivity package that is best for your library.

Internet Filtering

Internet Filtering hedgesst

OpenDNS Cisco OpenDNS is now part of CiscoThe OPLIN Board has negotiated a contract with Umbrella by OpenDNS to set up a statewide Internet content filtering system that will be available to all public libraries. OPLIN is charged by the Ohio Legislature " help local libraries use filters to screen out obscene and illegal internet materials." For many years, OPLIN fulfilled this requirement by distributing individual grants to libraries, but the earmarked funds were never enough to provide assistance to more than about 40-50 library systems. Clearly, a "central" filtering system available to all libraries would be better.

After several unsuccessful tests over the years, OPLIN finally identified Umbrella as a filtering solution which can effectively provide content filtering for all Ohio public libraries, while still allowing each library to have complete control over how, or if, the filter is to be used in their library system.

How it works

OPLIN purchases licenses to Umbrella for all Ohio public libraries. This provides libraries with free usage of Umbrella's web filtering capabilities, which each library can easily manage and customize by using a relatively simple interface. Ohio public libraries of all sizes have been able to adapt Umbrella to their individual needs. Just contact OPLIN Support to request access to your Umbrella license.

Service objectives:

  • Incident Response: OPLIN staff will respond within one hour to malfunctions of the Internet filtering during regular business hours Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding State of Ohio holidays. Contact us through the OPLIN Support site.
  • Incident Resolution: OPLIN staff will attempt to resolve every Internet filtering malfunction within 4 business hours of Incident Response.

More technical information:

Rather than filtering content using a proxy based or span port appliance, Umbrella is a filtered Domain Name Server (DNS) service. You set up an account and associate IP address blocks with said account, and then you can control what types of content you want your users to see much like a traditional content filter. For any request to access a website that falls outside what you deem appropriate, Umbrella returns the IP of one of their block servers, instead of the IP for the real web server. The block can be bypassed on a per session basis by inputing a ticket code you create in the web admin interface. This ticket creates a cookie in the user's browser, which the block server detects and proxies the user to the content. Unless a ticket code is in use, the user is never proxied, so there is no worry of interfering with IP authenticated resources. There are also quite a few other options for how you can specify which machines are held to which rules.

In addition, since Umbrella does not have to handle the actual traffic after the initial DNS request, you do not have to worry about bottlenecks like you would with an appliance. 

If you have questions about our free, statewide filtering, please contact OPLIN Support.

See our Steps for obtaining an OPLIN-paid Umbrella account document for more information.

CIPA Requirements

CIPA Requirements hedgesst

Public Library Requirements for Complying with CIPA


This document is presented for information purposes only. Libraries should consult their own legal counsel for an analysis of any specific policy.


The American Library Association (ALA) provides a lot of background information about the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and the Neighborhood Internet Protection Act (NCIPA), which taken together are commonly referred to as "CIPA." (NCIPA is a subtitle of CIPA; NCIPA only affects E-rate applicants.) CIPA requires public libraries to install Internet filtering software on all Internet computers (public and staff) if the library receives federal money from Library Services & Technology Act grants (LSTA) to purchase computers that will access the Internet, or receives federal E-rate (Universal Services) discounts for anything other than services classified as telecommunications.

Brief History

Both CIPA and NCIPA were included in a large federal appropriations bill that passed Congress in December 2000. In March 2001, the ALA, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and several other groups filed suit to prevent the enforcement of CIPA's filtering requirement in public libraries. This litigation eventually made its way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which upheld CIPA in June 2003.

When must a public library comply with CIPA?

If the library:

  • receives E-rate discounts for any item or service classified as Internal Connections or Internet Access; or
  • receives LSTA funds to purchase any computers that will access the Internet, or Internet access (i.e. pay an Internet Service Provider);

then the library must be CIPA-compliant.

A library does NOT have to be CIPA-compliant to receive E-rate discounts on the Data Transmission services only, or to receive LSTA money for any other purpose than buying Internet access or computers that will access the Internet.

How to comply

There are three requirements that must be met.

Requirement #1: Use a technology protection measure

"Technology protection measure" means a filter on the Internet that blocks visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors (defined as any person less than 17 years of age). The filter need not affect text or audio, whatever the content. "Obscene" and "child pornography" have rather vague definitions in U.S. obscenity law. The CIPA legislation defines "harmful to minors" as nudity and sex without literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. See the Ohio Library Council's CIPA FAQ [pdf] for the complete definition.

You must be able to turn off the filter at the request of an adult "without significant delay."

Possible filter configuration:

If you are using the OpenDNS Web Content Filtering available free from OPLIN, the easiest way to meet this requirement is to select content filtering level "Low," which filters websites in the categories Pornography, Tasteless, Sexuality, and Proxy/Anonymizer (to prevent bypassing the filter). The descriptions of these categories can be found here. . If you want to select your own filtering categories, rather than using the pre-selected categories in the Low level, the Tasteless category is probably not necessary for CIPA compliance.

Note that OpenDNS also has a Nudity category that is not selected in the Low level. CIPA requires blocking images that "appeal to a prurient interest in nudity," and OpenDNS almost always tags websites in the Pornography category with a Nudity tag, too. Websites that only have a Nudity tag and no Pornography tag likely have artistic or scientific value and are not intended to be prurient.

Proving that you have a filter:

E-rate's Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) process for reviewing applications sometimes requests proof that a library has a filter. A screenshot of a filtering log or a purchase order should be sufficient. If you are using the free OPLIN OpenDNS filtering, then the email from OPLIN confirming the establishment of your account would take the place of a purchase order.

Requirement #2: Adopt an Internet Safety Policy

The library must adopt and enforce an Internet Safety Policy that includes the use of a technology protection measure. If the library is applying for E-rate discounts, the policy must address the following items:

  • access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet and the Web;
  • the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications;
  • unauthorized access and other unlawful activities by minors online;
  • unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors; and
  • measures designed to restrict minors' access to materials harmful to minors.

Note that the Ohio Revised Code (3375.64-C) already requires that libraries receiving OPLIN Internet connections "…establish and enforce procedures designed to keep juveniles who use the participant's services from having access to materials or performances that may be obscene or harmful to juveniles and to keep persons who are not juveniles and who use the participant's services from having access to materials or performances that may be obscene." The OPLIN office has copies of such policies on file from every Ohio public library.

Requirement #3: Hold a public hearing

The Internet Safety Policy must be adopted after a public hearing, or as the CIPA language says, libraries "shall provide reasonable public notice and hold at least one public hearing or meeting to address the proposed Internet safety policy." [Title 47, §254(h)(6)] The regularly scheduled library board of trustees meeting may be used as the required public meeting, assuming the agenda is made public before the meeting and the meeting allows for public comments.

Declaring CIPA compliance

Libraries must certify their CIPA compliance, and there are several ways to do this. Libraries with OPLIN Internet connections are required to send OPLIN an E-rate Form 479 each year that declares whether or not the library is CIPA-compliant. No additional certification is necessary, but if a library is applying for E-rate discounts, the filing of a Form 486 also confirms CIPA compliance.

Steps for obtaining an OPLIN-paid Umbrella account

Steps for obtaining an OPLIN-paid Umbrella account hedgesst

Cisco Umbrella first steps

Note: Cisco Umbrella is the new name and branding of Umbrella by OpenDNS

  1. Send an email to stating that you would like to participate, along with the contact information for the person to whom we should email the account login details.
  2. The contact's account will be set to an administrator level for your library account. This user will have the ability to send out additional invitations to other staff members, and also elevate them to administrator status.
  3. From now on, your library is in complete control of your account. To get started, see Cisco Umbrella's Getting Started Guide.


You will want to use the Umbrella name servers on your network. The IPs for those servers are and If you want to test out the service before making it live on the entire network, you can always change the DNS servers on just your workstation to those two IPs and verify the filtering is working as you want it to. If you're ready to make filtering live, the place to use those two IPs will vary depending on how your network is currently configured.

  • If you statically define every workstation with its DNS settings (ex. the state DNS servers at then you would need to change every workstation to use these two new IPs.
  • If your workstations point to a local device for DNS (ex. a firewall/router/ActiveDirectory server) then the place you would use the two OpenDNS IPs would be in the forwarders settings of that device. Changing the IPs on a top level device like this will make filtering live for every workstation pointing to said device.

 Questions? Please ask OPLIN Support.

Managed Branch Connections

Managed Branch Connections don

Let OPLIN do the work to connect your library branches to the internet.

OPLIN will contract with a service provider to deliver one gigabit service to each branch; we will pay the charges and file for E-rate reimbursements. Once a year, the library will get a bill for $2,000 per branch.

Get started by filling out the form.


Some Frequently Asked Questions

Will the $2,000 per circuit be billed monthly or annually?

OPLIN's fiscal year is July 1 – June 30, and we will bill libraries annually, probably in January. If service starts later than July 1, the invoice will be pro-rated.


What speeds can libraries expect from these new circuits?

One gigabit per second is the minimum desired broadband speed for "community anchor institutions" such as library buildings. That should be sufficient for most library branch needs, but if a location is exceeding that capacity, OPLIN will work with the library for an upgrade.


Can the library receive E-rate discounts on the $2,000 bill from OPLIN?

No. OPLIN is filing for E-rate discounts for the circuit we provide you. The cost to the library is based on the average cost of gigabit-service and the average E-rate discount statewide. Since the average statewide discount is about 65%, this means libraries with higher discount rates (80–90%) will pay more for an OPLIN-managed connection than they would by contracting directly with a vendor and filing for E-rate. It is up to each library to decide whether the convenience is worth the cost. 


Do these circuits connect directly to OPLIN, or can they connect to my main library's network?

The initial form asks whether you want the circuit to connect to your central/main library or to the OPLIN core.

  • Connect your branch to your main library. Your branch's network will be a layer 2 extension of your main library's network. Both buildings will receive Internet access through the OPLIN router at your main library.
  • Connect your branch to the OPLIN core. Your branch will connect directly to the internet through OPLIN's network, independent of your main library's network.

OPLIN staff will work with you and your IT provider to determine which option fits best in your environment.


Can I substitute OPLIN's service for my current contract?

Most vendors will charge libraries an early termination fee (usually about 50% of the remaining months on the contract) to cancel their current service.


Whom do I call for support or to resolve issues?

You would contact OPLIN Support to resolve issues. As a major customer of the service providers, OPLIN has access to elevated technical support.


DNS Services

DNS Services oplin

DNS (Domain Name Server) servers allow you to reach another computer on the Internet from your computer without having to provide the explicit Internet address. Users prefer to use friendly computer domain names like "" instead of its IP address "". The DNS is a program consisting of a database of name and address information. The program responds to queries from other programs. DNS servers can communicate amongst themselves to update one another with new information. This mechanism is what allows you to reach a webpage on a new server when a friend sends you a link. You do not have to know the IP address of the server that contains the webpage.

DNS Servers
Local DNS servers use DNS forwarders to resolve external domain names that are outside the local network. Selecting reliable public DNS servers to use as forwarders is critical to the performance of your local network.

OPLIN subscribes to Cisco Umbrella, which provides both Internet Filtering and public DNS resolvers. Cisco Umbrella's public DNS servers can be used for DNS queries with or without filtering content. Google's public DNS servers are a reliable, performant public DNS source. 

Public DNS Servers

Domains Managed by OPLIN
If your domain's zones are defined in the State of Ohio's nameservers, OPLIN can manage your DNS records and make changes upon request. OPLIN is the DNS service provider for all domains in the TLD. If you do not know who is the authoritative nameserver for your domains, you can visit to find out. Send DNS support requests to OPLIN at

The information for the State's DNS is as follows:

State of Ohio

Service objectives:

  • Incident Response: OPLIN staff will respond within one hour to DNS-related malfunctions during regular business hours Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding State of Ohio holidays. Contact us through the OPLIN Support site.
  • Incident Resolution: OPLIN staff will work collaboratively with the Ohio Office of Information Technology (OIT) toward resolving the incident within 4 business hours of Incident Response.


Webkits oplin

OPLIN Webkits


 Are you ready to improve your library's website?

Is your library ready to replace its outdated site with something that:

  • Looks more professional?
  • Is easier to manage and doesn't require a tech?
  • Meets current standards for handicapped accessibility?
  • Displays clearly across mobile devices?
  • Provides advanced features?
  • Presents your library to your community as a strong, credible institution?

OPLIN is pleased to offer Ohio's public libraries  Webkits, a service that provides all of these features and more at a modest cost.  We understand that, in these budget-strapped times, it is more important than ever for public libraries to show their communities that they are vital and trustworthy institutions that can provide the same advanced features as other kinds of sites.  We also know that library staff have even less time to manage their websites.  OPLIN's  Webkits offer a host of options for little investment of time and funds. 

Why would your library want an OPLIN Website Kit?

  • The kit includes a full content management system (CMS).  This means that library staff can control the entire content of the site without needing anyone to change back end code.  It's as simple as writing an email or filling out an online form!  Create new pages with a few clicks.  Post news stories to your front page with no technical knowledge required. The Webkit makes managing your library's web site simple...finally!
  • Even the basic version has extra features. Want a WYSIWYG editor for your content?  Want to be able to attach PDF files? A featured message for emergencies? All of these are featured in the basic, fixed-cost package and many add-ons are also available for a small cost.
  • More advanced features.  The kit also provides:
    • Built-in site search AND the ability to search your library's catalog AND the Ohio Web Library;
    • A Word-like WYSIWYG editor for entering your content, so you don't have to know any code to put your items online;
    • Function to upload and attach documents like PDFs to specific web pages;
    • Ability to easily post clearly visible emergency closing notices;
    • Custom database listings that make it easy for your patrons to see what research databases your library has and what they do;
    • Automatically generated printer-friendly pages;
    • Responsive web design, so your site renders cleanly across devices;
    • A calendar and event listing system or direct import of events from  LibCal, Library Market, Communico or WhoFi;
    • Upcoming events block that auto-fills with your events;
    • Direct integration with Google Analytics, to help your library see how your site is being used by its visitors.
    • Access to the Website Kit Module Market, where you can order add-ins, both free and premium, to your site
  • We do the upgrades for you. Don't have a tech?  No worries!  OPLIN not only hosts your site, but we do all of the required upgrades as needed to the site's systems.
  • Meets basic web accessibility standards. Website kits typically meet standards for Section 508 and WCAG AA-AAA.. (Some third-party widgets and/or custom scripting requests may not be able to meet these standards.)
  • Free training.  We provide up to 3 hours of free training, either remotely or at the OPLIN office.  We also provide online documentation and additional phone support at no extra charge.  (Additional training for up to 20 people on-site at your library is also available; please inquire for pricing.)
  • Free guidance during the design process.  Our professionally-certified web designer staff will help you with incorporating basic usability and good design principles.
  • No tech required.  OPLIN does the installation, the design, the configuration and the hosting.  All your library has to do is plug in its content.
  • Lots of options.  For a small fee, many useful add-ons are available for your Webkit. Ask us if you need special functionality.


OPLIN's pricing is modest.  Our goal is to provide Ohio's public libraries with websites that can better meet the needs of both patrons and staff and be competitive in the rapidly-evolving environment of the World Wide Web.  The cost of new Webkits using the Core or Hero templates are $1000 for initial setup (original design and up to two revisions). New Webkits using the Core Plus or Hero Plus templates are $1720  for initial setup (original design and up to two revisions) Annual maintenance and upgrades cost $432 per year. Some add-on features are available in the Module Market .

Note: Webkits are intended to use limited server space, storing only the files needed to provide the public with information about the library and its services. To keep prices low and prevent website kit servers from reaching capacity, each website kit is allocated no more than 1 GB of file space, which is sufficient for even very large library websites. Images of library events, etc, should be optimized to stay within this limit or should be stored on another server provided by the library.


As you might suspect, completion time varies depending on the specifications laid out during the planning stage. Don't hesitate to call us for further discussion of what a timeline for your library's site might be. 

Service objectives:

  • Incident Response: OPLIN staff will respond within one hour to malfunctions of Website Kits during regular business hours Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding State of Ohio holidays. Contact us through the OPLIN Support site.
  • Incident Resolution: OPLIN staff will attempt to resolve every Website Kits malfunction within 4 business hours of Incident Response.

Who hosts the website?

We host your website on the OPLIN web servers. That allows us to keep all the software that runs the site up-to-date and secure. Our hosting service includes:

  • Firewall to protect the site against intrusion
  • Regular upgrades to software used to maintain and publish the site
  • Upgrades to server hardware when advantageous
  • Retaining current web site domain name
  • Pro-active fixes for network, system and software vulnerabilities
  • Mirroring of server hard drives to allow quick recovery from hardware failures
  • Problem resolution through the OPLIN Support Center 

Will the web address of my website change?

No. When your site is ready, we will replace your current site at the same address. So if your current site address is, your new site address will also be

How will I know how to use the website?

We ask each library that uses one of our websites to send some selected staff to our office in Columbus for two or three hours of training. The next step is for you to begin adding content to your site before it goes "live" on the Internet. Throughout this process we are available to assist you. Finally, when you are confident that your site is ready and you know how to keep it current, we launch it.

What if I have problems later?

Contact us and we will work with you to resolve the problem.

What is usability and why does it matter?

The most basic definition of web site usability is whether or not users can quickly accomplish a given task on a website without obstacles.  Obstacles can be long download times, scattered navigation, poor design, dated styles and many more issues, all of which can affect how users access your site and/or perceive your library.

Many of the web sites developed by public libraries do not adhere to web design standards or best practices. OPLIN can help by fulfilling an original purpose – enabling libraries to compete with other Internet information providers – in a new way, focusing on building good library web sites as well as building good library Internet connections.

Available Webkit Templates

Available Webkit Templates

Beginning in 2024, OPLIN now offers four (4) different design templates for libraries. Each provides a different number and/or combination of features. Scroll down for a comparison chart, live demos and more information about each.


Feature Core Core Plus


Hero Plus

Changeable leader image 

(NOTE: this is not a carousel or rotating banner)

Static hero image     checkmark checkmark
Story blocks checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Icon blocks   checkmark    
Featured event blocks       checkmark


Large image section (left image, right text) checkmark checkmark   checkmark

Event imports from LibCal, WhoFi,

Library Market or Communico

checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Automatic open hours in header     checkmark checkmark
User-changeable hours in footer checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Scroll animation (optional)   checkmark   checkmark
Max # of main navigation options 6 5 5 5
Example of Core template



Core Template  (LIVE DEMO)

A great basic option for libraries looking for a clean layout. Includes a large image section, three (3) story blocks, Upcoming Events block, vendor logos block, featured database block and 4-part footer.


Sample of Hero template



Hero Template (LIVE DEMO)

Our most basic template: perfect for libraries that have limited time and/or staff. Includes a static (non-changeable) hero image in the header, with embedded search feature. Also includes three (3) story blocks, upcoming event block, vendor logos block, featured database block and 4-part footer. This template also has an "Open today" automated feature in the header.

Sample of Core Plus template



**Core Plus** (LIVE DEMO)

One of our most robust templates. Core Plus is the only template that includes a changeable leader image. It also features three (3) story blocks, three (3) icon blocks, a large image section, an upcoming events block, vendor logos block, featured database block and a 4-part footer. 

 full screenshot of what the Hero Plus template looks like



**Hero Plus** (LIVE DEMO)

One of our most robust templates. Features a static hero image with an embedded search feature on the homepage. It also includes four (4) story blocks, three (3) featured event blocks, a large image section, an upcoming events block, vendor logos block, featured database block and a 4-part footer. This template also has an "Open today" automated feature in the header.


The Webkit Process

The Webkit Process oplin

Wondering what the process is for getting an OPLIN Website Kit? Details, below:

  1. Phone conference. The process starts with a phone conference, generally between OPLIN and one or perhaps two contact people (see How to Make Your Website Kit Process Easier for more information about Website Kit liaisons).  We will send you a list of questions to consider beforehand. We'll discuss what you like (or don't like) about your current site, and what you'd like in a new one. You'll be asked to choose a design template. We'll also make recommendations based on your needs and goals.  
  2. Cost estimate.  After the phone conference, OPLIN will send you an itemized cost estimate for your project, based on what was discussed in the initial phone conference.  You'll be asked to review and to note any changes. 
  3. Contract.  Once we have a finalized cost estimate, your library will be sent an official contract. When we have received the signed copy, work on your new Website Kit will be in earnest.
  4. Site architecture.  We'll put together a site architecture, which will  map out the hierarchy of your content, based on the phone conference and on the site's existing content.  We'll then ask you to make revisions (such as removing pages no longer used or re-arranging the order of any pages).  OPLIN will review your proposed changes for any potential usability issues. Once we have something we're all happy with, you'll sign an Architecture Approval form. Keep in mind that any changes requested to this architecture,  after signing,  will incur additional charges, with a minimum charge of $150.00.
  5. Design. Based on the specifications laid out in the phone conference and the approved site architecture, OPLIN creates a design prototype (mockup) of your library's site, using your chosen template.  We allow up to three drafts; that means that, after the original version, you'll have two (2)  more drafts available for tweaks or changes.
  6. Construction.  This is when OPLIN actually builds your site. 
  7. Review. When the site build is nearly complete, we'll send you a link to it on a test server to look at, and ask you to fill out an approval form for various design elements. Any issues should be noted at that time.
  8. Training. When  all design regions are fixed and approved, we'll schedule training for you and/or your designated staff. The training will cover how to input various types of content, as well as any administrative functions native to the site. Training typically takes approximately two (2) hours; we allow up to three (3) as part of your project. 
  9. Launch. Launch occurs when you tell us that all necessary content has been migrated to the new site.  OPLIN will will work with your library to manage any DNS changes for domains related to your website.

How to make your Webkit process easier

How to make your Webkit process easier oplin


Webkits OPLIN

How to Make Your Webkit Process Easier

  1. Ditch “design by committee.” As tempting as it is to have a team of some sort, in our experience, this almost always leads to either delays and/or disasters. You can never make everyone happy! Feel free to gather your staff’s input prior to your first phone call with Laura, but we strongly recommend that only 1-2 (MAYBE 3) people from your library should be involved in the actual phone conference. Because it is difficult to please everyone, typical Web Kit projects that are managed by committees tend not to only run longer, but can be more expensive because of constant revisions. To save your library time and money, designate 1-2 people to be in charge of the process and who can step in to make a decision as needed.
  2. Remind your staff/board who the site is for. In our experience, library staff or board members don't always recognize that the primary (and only) audience for a public website is the public! Attempts to include resources specifically for the reference desk or to organize content just so it’s easier for the staff will generally be opposed by OPLIN. Remind your staff, when seeking input, that patrons not only come first, but are the entire audience for your new site.
  3. Filter the input from your staff. If you are collecting suggestions from your staff, please filter the list (or have your designated liason/leader do so) to just those things that are things you would actually consider. For example, if a staff person suggests that the site should primarily be orange and the library’s branding scheme is primarily blue, remove this from the list. It will save a great deal of time for everyone involved.
  4. Changes to an approved site architecture will cost money.  The site architecture is typically the first step in planning your new Webkit. Once your library has signed off on that, any changes will incur additional charges, at the custom work rate.  Keep this in mind when you are looking at the first design draft; changes to the top level navigation or side blocks, for instance, after the approval was already signed, will increase your library's cost.  This is why it is important to make sure you're happy with the architecture, before you sign it.
  5. Remember that your library gets three (3)  design drafts—total. Although this is almost always mentioned in the initial call with OPLIN (and is on our website, too), it’s worth mentioning again. As part of the standard Website Kit, your library gets 3 design drafts—total. Beyond that, the custom rate is charged per hour of work. Asking for a sample website in your color scheme will be counted as one of the drafts, as will any tweaks requiring the creation of a new image. If you’re not sure what will be counted, please ask! We’d much rather save you the money.
  6. Don’t use print copies of the design drafts to make decisions.   When you get a design prototype from OPLIN, it can be very tempting to print it out to show to other staff. However, most printers automatically scale things to fit the paper. This means that you will not see it in the same way you will see it on a computer monitor. Be sure to pull up the .jpg OPLIN sends you in a browser so you can see it on your monitor!
  7. Understand that part of OPLIN’s job is to educate. We focus strongly on current best practices in usability and accessibility, as well as site navigation and site design. If we veto something, we’ll always explain WHY and often provide you with third-party resources where you can learn more about current standards.  


Custom Websites for Libraries

Custom Websites for Libraries hedgesst

The OPLIN Webkts depend on a standardized software installation and design template that allows us to keep the cost low. We do offer limited customization, but some changes "break" our standardized model. For example:

  • Changes that require modifications to a Drupal module or the Drupal code;
  • Changes that require any special server configuration;
  • Changes that require custom scripting that accesses web resources outside of OPLIN's control;
  • Requests for designs beyond the templates that OPLIN provides.

When a library customer requests such changes, we suggest that it consult with an outside vendor.  OPLIN is not able to accommodate these types of development needs.

Module Market

Module Market oplin

Legacy templates (those built before 2024) are not eligible for design changes. Please contact OPLIN to update to a newer template.

Webkit Manual

Webkit Manual hedgesst

Webkit Manual

Welcome Packet

Welcome Packet oplin

SMS Notifications

SMS Notifications hedgesst

OPLIN offers a free service that allows libraries to send notification messages directly to patrons' cellphones via standard Short Message Service (SMS) "text messages" instead of sending messages to their email accounts.

NOTE this service is intended only for patron alerts which they've opted in for. Blasts of marketing messages are governed by a different set of laws due to SPAM, which is outside the scope of this service.


  • Your existing Integrated Library System (ILS) must be capable of sending notifications to patrons' email addresses.
  • You must inform OPLIN of the IP address of the server (usually your ILS server) that sends your email notifications.


To use the service, you should ask a patron if they wish to receive messages by cell phone instead of by email; their normal text messaging charges will apply. (There is no cost to the library.)

If they want cell phone messages, you will enter their email address in your ILS as <cellphone_number>


If the patron wishes to receive notifications at their cell phone number 614-123-4567, then you would put

in the email field of their patron record. Notifications will now be sent to their cell phone rather than to their normal email address.

If you would like notices of errors and patron STOP requests via email, please let us know which email address the messages should go to.

By default nothing is done with patron replies. To change this let us know which email address you would like the replies forwarded to, or provide us with a message you'd rather be texted back to the patron.

The OPLIN SMS system accepts notices 24 hours a day, but only sends text messages between 9 AM and 9 PM. This is to allow libraries to continue sending email notices in the middle of the night, without possibly waking up patrons who keep their phones on the night stand.

Message format

All notifications sent to patrons' cell phones will be limited to 152 characters, which is the maximum length of a single text message, so your standard notification language must include all important information (library name, phone number, etc.) within those 152 characters.

The OPLIN SMS system uses *** as its delimiter to determine what text from your regular email messages will be sent to people's cell phones.

  • If you send an email to the system and no occurrence of *** is found, the system will discard the email.
  • If you send an email with one occurrence of *** the system uses that as the beginning of your 152 character message.
  • If the system finds two or more occurrences of *** it uses whatever you have between the first pair as your text message, taking the first 152 characters of that snippet.

Good examples of notices we've seen:

***This is a reminder from the UAPL that 1 item(s) will soon be due. Please return or renew them by their due date. Visit for more information.***

***You have items ready to pick up at the Lane Libraries.***

***Your hold is available from the Lakewood Public Library. It will be held for 10 days. Call 216-226-8275 for more information.***

The Microsoft SMTP daemon typically uses an encoding for plain text that can cause "=" to appear at the end of lines. The OPLIN SMS system automatically strips those unwanted characters from your message.

The system also strips out any carriage returns or new-line codes that may be embedded in your message, so your message is formatted for optimum cell phone display.

The system automatically handles any base64 encoded email.

Service objectives:

  • Incident Response: OPLIN staff will respond within one hour to malfunctions of sending notifications to cell phones during regular business hours Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding State of Ohio holidays; contact us through the OPLIN Support site.
  • Incident Resolution: OPLIN staff will either resolve the incident within 4 business hours or will open an incident ticket with the messaging vendor(s) and work collaboratively toward resolving the incident within the timeframe specified in the vendor's agreed service objective.


Contact OPLIN Support.


Error Codes and Resolution


Code Meaning Resolution
DR001 Mobile number has opted-out of future messages Having patron text "unstop" to 877-675-4632 will remove the block, and will automatically respond with a generic subscription confirmation message. If the automatic response does not arrive, patron should contact their vendor about being able to receive shortcode messages from 877-675-4632.
DR002 The gateway is not routing messages to this network prefix. Number is likely a landline or unknown carrier.
DR005 The messaging gateway failed to deliver the message to the phone provided Message failed at patron carrier level. If previous attempt was successful, one retry will be attempted. Troubleshooting would involve patron reaching out to their carrier to ensure successful delivery of messages in the future.
DR006 The mobile number is invalid and cannot receive messages. Do not retry. Check for a typo in the patron's email address in the patron record
DR008 The message expired and was not delivered to the subscriber. Message failed at patron carrier level. If previous attempt was successful, one retry will be attempted. Troubleshooting would involve patron reaching out to their carrier to ensure successful delivery of messages in the future.
DR009 The carrier rejected the message. This can be due to short code messaging blocked, anti-spam policies, or their wireless plan. Message failed at patron carrier level. If previous attempt was successful, one retry will be attempted. Troubleshooting would involve patron reaching out to their carrier to ensure successful delivery of messages in the future.
DR010 The message was not sent due to a temporary system error. Message delivery failed at the carrier due to a temporary error.
DR013 The mobile number does not support text messages. Check for a typo in the patron's email address in the patron record.
DR015 SMS could not be delivered due to a phone error Message failed at patron carrier level. If previous attempt was successful, one retry will be attempted. Troubleshooting would involve patron reaching out to their carrier to ensure successful delivery of messages in the future.
DR017 Unknown reason The carrier did not provide a delivery receipt. The message may have been delivered successfully, but the sending service did not receive confirmation of success or failure.
DR019 Message will be retried by carrier.  
MPCE3202 Cannot send to international number Check for a typo in the patron's email address in the patron record
MPME0601 Inappropriate Message Content. The content of the text message was rejected by filters at the SMS bulk carrier. The message may contain spammy words like "naked."
MPME1204 Special Characters are not allowed Check message for odd characters or punctuation.
MPME2301 The subscription ID OPLIN has on file for this number is no longer valid. No action needed. Main reason to see this is if a patron blocks the texting service. When OPLIN receives this message we automatically delete the old subscription ID and retry the message. Retrying the message will either successfully generate a new ID, or will cause a different error to fire.
MPSE0501 User has a block in place Having patron text "unstop" to 877-675-4632 will remove the block, and will automatically respond with a generic subscription confirmation message. If the automatic response does not arrive, patron should contact their vendor about being able to receive shortcode messages from 877-675-4632.
MPSE2201 Invalid mobile number format Check for a typo in the patron's email address in the patron record
MPSE2208 Invalid mobile number Check for a typo in the patron's email address in the patron record

Mail Relay

Mail Relay jessica

Mail Relay

OPLIN offers Ohio public libraries access to an authenticated mail relay. 

Public libraries are welcome to relay email from ILS, appliances, cloud platforms, or other sources. OPLIN's mail relay requires SMTP authentication, encryption, and accepts mail for relay from any source. Older cipher suites and TLS/SSL versions are supported to enable libraries to send email from older appliances and devices with embedded firmware that is incompatible with modern cloud email services.

OPLIN's mail relay supports custom configuration, including rate limiting, unique accounts per source, large attachments, and monthly statistics and deliverability reports.

If a library wishes to send SMS notifications from a cloud-hosted mail solution, use of OPLIN's mail relay is required. 

OPLIN can also provide guidance about configuring the library's DNS records to improve email deliverability. 

For more details and a relay account, please email

DMARC Report Analyzer

DMARC Report Analyzer jessica

DMARC Report Analyzer

What is DMARC?

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) is a DNS-based standard for email authentication that enables email administrators protect their domain from spoofing. In the past, DMARC was considered an optional feature. Now, configuring and maintaining SPF, DKIM and DMARC is essential for organizations that send mail to external recipients.

Starting in early 2024, Google and Yahoo enforced best practices for email sent to Gmail and Yahoo recipients. Google has published detailed guidance for ensuring your library's email is delivered to Gmail inboxes successfully. Without valid SPF, DKIM and DMARC configured, libraries cannot successfully deliver email to the majority of recipients.

OPLIN Provides DMARC Report Analyzer

Configuring DMARC for the library's email domain provides you with visibility into how recipient mailservers handle the library's mail by providing DMARC deliverability reports. Reviewing DMARC reports can help find misconfigurations of your SPF and DKIM records, among other issues. 

OPLIN hosts an instance of the open-source DMARC analyzer parsedmarc to help libraries manage and easily review DMARC reports. Parsedmarc summarizes DMARC reports for easy review in a Kibana dashboard and weekly CSV summaries. To add an account for your library, please email

If you would like assistance with configuring valid SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records for your library's email domain, please email

Resources for Configuring DMARC

MXToolBox SuperTool: Check your email domain's DNS configuration

Demystifying DMARC: Sean Whalen explains configuring SPF, DKIM and DMARC in depth

Learn DMARC: Send an email to an interactive tester that analyzes your email domain's configuration in real time

E-Rate Information and Training

E-Rate Information and Training

Did you know that public libraries are eligible to receive discounts on internet connection, wireless access and hardware that supports internet access through the E-rate program? By filling out a few forms you can get as much as a 90% discount on your bills.

The telephone companies and the federal government collect this money from every telephone customer, but unless you ask for it, this money just sits in Washington.

Because it is so important that libraries claim their E-rate money, OPLIN supports workshops on E-rate for public libraries each fall. The workshops are presented by Lorrie Germann, State E-rate Coordinator. Lorrie is also available to answer individual questions from public libraries about E-rate issues. You may contact Lorrie at 740-253-1153 or

Training Recordings for Funding Year 2025

E-rate for Beginners (1:47:28)
First-time filers and other beginners can learn more about E-rate and how your library can benefit, including new opportunities for funding hotspots and a variety of internal network products and services.

E-rate for Experienced Filers (2:03:58)
Experienced filers and other E-rate veterans can learn more about the recent changes to E-rate, including new rules for hotspots, opportunities for Category 2 in the final year of the 5-year budget cycle, and the cybersecurity pilot for those who are interested.

Form 470 Training for Category 1 Services (1:16:18)
Step-by-step walk-through of Form 470 for FY2025 Category 1 requests, including Wi-Fi hotspots.

Form 470 Training for Category 2 Services (1:10:34)
Don't leave money on the table. Attend this step-by-step walk-through of Form 470 for FY2025 Category 2 requests.

Fall 2025 Hotspot Training (54:13)
Overview of the process for requesting discounts on hotspot hardware and services.

Some E-rate programs require libraries to be compliant with the Children’s Internet and Protection Act, also known as CIPA.  These restrictions take the form of requirements for Internet safety policies and technology which blocks or filters certain material from being accessed through the Internet. More information on CIPA compliance is available here. Additionally, OPLIN provides internet filtering at no charge to public libraries.

Laura Solomon (not verified)

Category 2 Applicant Resources

Category 2 Applicant Resources

Did you know that E-rate discounts apply to more than just internet connections and data?


Category 2 is a separate type of E-rate that has a 5-year budget cycle, and that cycle runs through June 30, 2026. However, you want to start planning now if you have not yet used your Category 2 discount budget. The application window for Category 2 projects for July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026 will open this summer!


What can you get with a Category 2 E-rate application?  


Up to 85% off of these network necessities:

  • Internal Connections
  • Managed Internal Broadband Services
  • Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections

Libraries must certify CIPA compliance to request any Category 2 funds.


What does that really mean?


Category 2 funding can be used to fund the purchase, installation and maintenance of network switches, routers, wireless access points and controllers, structured network cabling, and battery backups. You may be able to save a lot of money on your IT budget next year!


Want to learn more?



Category 2 Project Planning List

Category 2 Project Planning List

E-rate Category 2 Funds Available

This is the last year libraries can use their current 5-year E-rate Category 2 budget. To access these funds, prepare to file requests for proposals (Form 470) before the end of 2024. 

Libraries must certify CIPA compliance to request any Category 2 funds.

Key dates:

  • The competitive bidding window opens in July 2024 and closes in January 2025 (Form 470).
  • The process of filing for E-rate funding opens in January 2025 and closes in March 2025 (Form 471).
  • Projects can start before July 2025, but vendor invoices must be dated July 1, 2025 or later.


As always, you can contact OPLIN.



E-Rate Cybersecurity Pilot

E-Rate Cybersecurity Pilot

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has designated a portion of the Universal Service Fund (USF) to establish a cybersecurity pilot program. The program will require an initial application, and a pilot program cohort will be selected from the initial applicant pool. Applicants may be individual libraries, library systems, or library consortia.

Selected libraries are eligible for a pre-discount budget of $15,000 per site, up to $175,000 for a system or consortium consisting of 12 or more sites. That budget re-sets each year for the 3 years of the pilot program ($45,000 per site for the duration of the pilot program or $525,000 for an applicant with 12 or more sites).

USAC Resources

FCC Resources



E-rate Discount Rate

E-rate Discount Rate don

This chart contains the current E-rate discount percentage for Ohio library systems with branches. The average monthly recurring cost for a 100 Mbps Ethernet circuit is approximately $400, and the chart shows what that would cost a library after E-rate discounts are applied.

Library Name Category 1 Discount Approx Monthly Cost 100 Mbps
Adams County Public Library - OH0129 80% $80
Akron-Summit County Public Library - OH0002 90% $40
Ashtabula County District Library - OH0012 90% $40
Athens County Public Libraries - OH0156 80% $80
Auglaize County District Public Library - OH0225 70% $120
Barberton Public Library - OH0016 80% $80
Belmont County District Library - OH0133 80% $80
Birchard Public Library of Sandusky County - OH0086 70% $120
Briggs Lawrence County Public Library - OH0107 60% $160
Brown County Public Library - OH0090 70% $120
Brumback Library - OH0221 70% $120
Carnegie Public Library (Washington CH) - OH0227 80% $80
Carroll County District Library - OH0042 70% $120
Champaign County Library - OH0220 80% $80
Chillicothe and Ross County Public Library - OH0048 90% $40
Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library - OH0049 90% $40
Clark County Public Library - OH0204 90% $40
Claymont Public Library - OH0068 80% $80
Clermont County Public Library - OH0018 80% $80
Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library - OH0053 90% $40
Cleveland Public Library - OH0051 90% $40
Columbus Metropolitan Library - OH0057 90% $40
Coshocton Public Library - OH0059 90% $40
Crestline Public Library - OH0061 90% $40
Cuyahoga County Public Library - OH0052 60% $160
Dayton Metro Library - OH0063 90% $40
Defiance Public Library - OH0064 70% $120
Delaware County District Library - OH0065 50% $200
Elyria Public Library - OH0077 80% $80
Fairfield County District Library - OH0116 80% $80
Findlay-Hancock County Public Library - OH0081 50% $200
Franklin-Springboro Public Libraries - OH0085 60% $160
Garnet A Wilson Public Library of Pike County - OH0229 80% $80
Geauga County Public Library - OH0046 50% $200
Greene County Public Library - OH0247 80% $80
Guernsey County District Public Library - OH0037 80% $80
Harris-Elmore Public Library - OH0076 60% $160
Highland County District Library - OH0101 80% $80
Holmes County District Public Library - OH0146 70% $120
Huron County Community Library - OH0241 80% $80
Ida Rupp Public Library - OH0188 70% $120
Kate Love Simpson-Morgan County Library - OH0139 80% $80
Lakewood Public Library - OH0115 50% $200
Lane Public Library - OH0100 80% $80
Licking County Library - OH0163 80% $80
Lima Public Library - OH0121 90% $40
Logan County Libraries - OH0021 70% $120
Logan-Hocking County District Library - OH0123 80% $80
Lorain Public Library System - OH0125 90% $40
Mansfield-Richland County Public Library - OH0130 90% $40
Marion Public Library - OH0132 90% $40
Mary L Cook Public Library - OH0231 40% $240
Marysville Public Library - OH0134 50% $200
Massillon Public Library - OH0136 90% $40
McKinley Memorial Library - OH0166 80% $80
Medina County District Library - OH0141 50% $200
Meigs County District Public Library - OH0187 90% $40
Mentor Public Library - OH0142 40% $240
Mercer County District Public Library - OH0043 70% $120
MidPointe Library System - OH0144 90% $40
Milan-Berlin Public Libraries - OH0145 60% $160
Muskingum County Library System - OH0250 90% $40
Napoleon Public Library - OH0155 70% $120
Patrick Henry School District Public Library - OH0069 60% $160
Paulding County Carnegie Library - OH0179 70% $120
Pemberville Public Library - OH0180 50% $200
Peninsula Library - OH0181 70% $120
Perry County District Library - OH0158 80% $80
Pickaway County District Public Library - OH0050 80% $80
Pickerington Public Library - OH0184 60% $160
Portage County District Library - OH0089 60% $160
Portsmouth Public Library - OH0189 90% $40
Preble County District Library - OH0075 60% $160
Public Library of Mt Vernon and Knox County - OH0153 80% $80
Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County - OH0208 90% $40
Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County - OH0248 90% $40
Puskarich Public Library - OH0035 80% $80
Putnam County District Library - OH0176 50% $200
Ridgemont Public Library - OH0154 50% $200
Rodman Public Library - OH0005 90% $40
Sabina Public Library - OH0197 70% $120
Sandusky Library - OH0199 80% $80
Shaker Heights Public Library - OH0200 50% $200
Shelby County Libraries - Amos Memorial - OH0203 80% $80
Southwest Public Libraries - OH0099 80% $80
St. Paris Public Library - OH0207 60% $160
Stark County District Library - OH0039 90% $40
Toledo-Lucas County Public Library - OH0215 90% $40
Troy-Miami County Public Library - OH0216 60% $160
Tuscarawas County Public Library - OH0161 70% $120
Union Township Public Library - OH0192 90% $40
Upper Arlington Public Library - OH0218 40% $240
Warren-Trumbull County Public Library - OH0226 90% $40
Washington County Public Library - OH0131 70% $120
Washington-Centerville Public Library - OH0045 40% $240
Wayne County Public Library - OH0245 70% $120
Weston Public Library - OH0239 60% $160
Williams County Public Library - OH0032 70% $120
Willoughby-Eastlake Public Library - OH0242 60% $160
Wilmington Public Library of Clinton County - OH0243 80% $80
Wood County District Public Library - OH0029 50% $200
Worthington Libraries - OH0246 50% $200

Hotspot Program

Hotspot Program

The E-rate Hotspot Program has developed from the FCC's Learn without Limits initiative and the lessons learned from the Emergency Connectivity Program. For a good, library-focused overview of the program, check out ALA's Learn Without Limits information page. ALA has also developed a library-focused FAQ on the hotspot program.

For all of the details from the FCC, you can read the full Report and Order, which includes federal program rules.

There are currently eLearning Modules available from USAC, the E-rate program administrators. Check out these two sections of Module 2 in particular:

  • C1: Wi-Fi Hotspots for Off Premises Use (Data Transmission)
  • C1: Wi-Fi Hotspots for Off Premises Use (Equipment)

For your consideration, OPLIN has requested consortia bids for the FY2025 E-Rate Hotspot Program. The full RFP can be found here. The allowable contract date for this Form 470 has passed, and we have received bids from these three vendors:

  • AT&T
  • Kajeet, as distributed by CDWG
  • T-Mobile

To use these bids, first determine your bid evaluation criteria; the selected bid must be the most cost-effective bid, and price must be the most heavily weighted factor. Then you may contact the vendor to request a contract for your local library. The contact information for each vendor is as follows:

Vendor Contact Phone Email Notes
AT&T Garrett Gauntner 614-787-3025  
CDWG/Kajeet Ryan Marron 312-547-2877 With Kajeet, you can choose service
from AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile
T-Mobile Zachary Shields 216-276-3462  

You may also choose to ignore the consortia bids and request your own bids through the Form 470 process. Please note: Wednesday, February 26, 2025 is the last date that you can submit and certify an FY2025 FCC Form 470 and still wait the required minimum 28-day period before submitting and certifying your FY2025 FCC Form 471 by March 26, 2025, the last date of the FY2025 application filing window.

Questions? Contact OPLIN Support.


FY2025 Hotspot Form 470 for the OPLIN Consortium - Bidder FAQ

FY2025 Hotspot Form 470 for the OPLIN Consortium - Bidder FAQ

OPLIN will submit a consortia bid request for the FCC Off-premises Wi-Fi hotspot program. Further details about the consortia bid request, Form 470 #250006641, will be posted here, including an FAQ response for bidders.

Questions are due in writing to by 9am EST on Friday, December 6.

Answers will be posted here, for the benefit of all bidders, by 5pm on Friday, December 13.

  • Since no questions were submitted by the due date, there were no answers to post on December 13.

Bids are due by the allowable contract date listed on the FCC Form 470, which is December 19, unless otherwise posted here.


OPLIN Fall2024 Branch Circuits 470 - Bidder FAQ

OPLIN Fall2024 Branch Circuits 470 - Bidder FAQ don

OPLIN seeks EPL, EVPL or ELAN leased lit fiber circuits to connect a minimum of 69 library branch locations with their main/central library, the State of Ohio Computer Center, or existing OARnet/vendor NNI. Further details about the bid request, Form 470 #250007259, will be posted here, including an FAQ response for bidders.

Questions are due in writing to by December 31, 2024.

Answers will be posted here, for the benefit of all bidders.

Bids are due by 8:00 AM EST on Friday, January 17, 2025, unless otherwise posted here.

Request Library Branch Connections from OPLIN

Request Library Branch Connections from OPLIN

Let OPLIN do the work to connect your library branches to the internet.

OPLIN will contract with a service provider to deliver one gigabit service to each branch; we will pay the charges and file for E-rate reimbursements. Once a year, the library will get a bill for $2,000 per branch.

To get started, fill out and submit the form below by November 1, 2024. Submit a separate form for each branch needing service.

Questions? Email

Connect to:
Does your current service expire before January 2026 (or already month-to-month)?

Co-Location Service

Co-Location Service hedgesst

OPLIN has contracted with the Ohio Department of Administrative Services to lease an area of the State of Ohio Computer Center (SOCC) that is set aside for use by Ohio public libraries and public library consortia. The SOCC is a Tier III rated data center housing a variety of critical state networking and server equipment, including the OPLIN network core. Through this lease arrangement, OPLIN is making this secure space available to Ohio public libraries for co-locating any of their servers and networking equipment in the same locked, reliable space that houses OPLIN's equipment.

Some advantages of putting networking and server equipment in this shared space are:

  • Power fed from redundant Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS) for short power outages
  • Generator power for power outages of longer lengths
  • Climate control with chilled air delivered to the face of the racks
  • Localized fire suppression systems
  • All access to the SOCC logged at the Security Desk with a valid form of ID before admittance
  • Rack access only by key cards issued to individuals that are cleared via background check procedures
  • Direct wiring to the OPLIN network core.

Prices are based on the number of standard “U”s (“rack units”) occupied by library equipment. Rack units occupied by any equipment providing services to more than one Ohio public library system are provided by OPLIN free of any charge. Rack units occupied by any equipment providing services to only one library system are subject to an annual charge of $360 per U.


Please contact OPLIN Support for more detailed information.

Database Authentication

Database Authentication oplin

OPLIN hosts authentication services to ensure that library patrons can access statewide subscriptions, and libraries can also use these services to authenticate patrons to library-purchased subscriptions.


Mask authenticates patrons by card and PIN against library databases in real time.

  • Mask is compatible with titles that require PatronAPI or SIP2 access for authentication.
  • Mask improves patron privacy by providing a trusted layer between third-party vendors and library patron databases. Mask accepts an authentication request from the vendor, performs the patron card/PIN lookup in the ILS database, and returns only essential portions of the response to the vendor, anonymizing or stripping unnecessary fields.
  • Mask can authenticate patrons to LinkedIn Learning for Library, Kanopy, Hoopla, Freegal, ComicsPlus, and more.

Please contact OPLIN at to explore compatibility with other products.


OPLIN hosts an EZproxy instance for every Ohio public library to provide access to statewide-purchased content.

  • Libraries can use OPLIN's EZproxy instance to provide local and remote access to library-purchased databases.
  • Publish a single URL to ensure patrons can access a database both in the library and from home.
  • EZproxy is compatible with any title that supports IP authentication, referral links, and other special scenarios required by vendors, such as redemption codes for New York Times or Wall Street Journal.
  • OPLIN provides library-branded EZproxy login pages, ensuring libraries receive credit for purchasing content for their communities.

Email OPLIN at to configure EZproxy for any compatible database.

Ohio Web Library

Ohio Web Library permalinks provide access to statewide titles. Libraries can ensure patrons have ongoing access to statewide titles by publishing the provided permalink.

  • OWL links use library card pattern matching. Visitors input their library card, and are matched to the correct institution.
  • Publishing Ohio Web Library authentication links ensures that patrons of any Ohio public library can gain access to statewide content.
  • To ensure equity of access, OWL authentication links also support geo-location as an authentication option.
  • OWL authentication links are permalinks maintained by OPLIN, and will remain valid even after vendor changes.

Keeping You in the Know

Keeping You in the Know oplin

Technology Information

Technology Information oplin

OPLIN provides information about technology and trends through many different communication tools, including:

OPLIN listservs

OPLIN listservs oplin

OPLIN hosts a number of listservs. The most popular listservs are listed at the bottom of this page – click on the list name for more information.

OPLINLIST and OPLINTECH are also searchable using standard Internet search engines. Using Google, for example, add after your search term.

Service objectives:

  • Incident Response: OPLIN staff will respond within one hour to malfunctions of the listservs during regular business hours Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding State of Ohio holidays. Contact us through the OPLIN Support site.
  • Incident Resolution: OPLIN staff will attempt to resolve every listserv malfunction within 4 business hours of Incident Response.

OPLIN also provides library administrators with two publications dedicated to Ohio government news, which are distributed through listservs: the Hannah Report, and the Gongwer Ohio Report. Email the OPLIN Director to have your address added to these lists.


How can I subscribe (or unsubscribe) to one of the OPLIN e-lists?

OPLIN public email lists can be found here. From here you can subscribe or unsubscribe to a particular list, and access list archives and rosters of subscribers.

To subscribe or unsubscribe, simply click on the list which interests you. On the next page, follow the instructions to subscribe to your selected list. You will need to enter a password to create and manage your list subscriptions.


Can OPLIN host an e-list for my library?

Yes. Contact OPLIN Support for more information.


I am trying to send an attachment to the members of OPLINLIST or OPLINTECH, but they never receive it. What's wrong?

To help prevent the spread of viruses and worms, messages to the list are limited to 2 MB (2,000 KB) in size. Some attachments are larger than that, so the messages will be blocked. However, you can still send attachments directly to individual email addresses.






OPLINUPDATES is an email list used by the OPLIN office to announce news about new OPLIN services and important changes to existing OPLIN services.


At least every library director and one other staff person should be subscribed to this list, but we encourage everyone to subscribe. There is absolutely no better way to keep up with OPLIN news. Since it's an announcement-only list, and only the OPLIN office can post to the list, it won't put anything but important messages in your e-mail inbox.



  • Go to the web page
  • Follow the instructions under the heading "Subscribing to OPLINUPDATES." You will enter your e-mail address and password to manage your subscription.
  • You will be sent an e-mail confirming your subscription request. Simply reply to the e-mail and your subscription will be activated.


  • Go to the web page
  • At the bottom of the page, enter your e-mail address and click the Edit Options button.
  • You will need your list password to unsubscribe. If you have forgotten it, click the Email My Password To Me button.
  • Enter your password under the heading "Unsubscribing from OPLINUPDATES."

List Settings

All subscription settings can be managed from the list's information pages.

  • Go to the web page
  • At the bottom of the information page, enter your e-mail address and click the Edit Options button
  • You can change any subscription options; enter your password, and click the Submit My Changes button




OPLINLIST - the email list for all non-technical OPLIN discussions

WHAT? The OPLINLIST is an online discussion of any and all non-technical topics related to OPLIN or Ohio libraries and the Internet. While the list will be unmoderated, OPLIN staff will be reading the postings and will respond to the list or the poster as appropriate.

OPLINLIST is a discussion group that takes place online through the use of Internet email. For example, if you wanted to ask all other Ohio public libraries a question, you would create a typical Internet email message with your question typed in as the body of the message. The "To:" address would be Once you send your message, a copy goes to every subscriber on the list. So, if the list has 2,000 subscribers, the one email message you created will be seen and read by 2,000 individuals. If any of these subscribers want to respond, they can post their response to the list where it will be seen and read by all 2,000 subscribers...including you!


Anyone who works in or does business with Ohio libraries is welcome to subscribe.


  • Go to the web page
  • Follow the instructions under the heading "Subscribing to OPLINLIST." You will enter your email address and password to manage your subscription.
  • You will be sent an email confirming your subscription request. Simply reply to the email and your subscription will be activated.


  • Go to the web page
  • At the bottom of the page, enter your email address and click the Edit Options button.
  • You will need your list password to unsubscribe. If you have forgotten it, click the "Email My Password To Me" button
  • Enter your password under the heading "Unsubscribing from OPLINLIST."

To post a message to OPLINLIST:


The best way of answering the question "When should I use OPLINLIST?" is by thinking about those times when this wouldn't be the best solution:

  1. A question that needs to be answered by the OPLIN Executive Director or OPLIN Managing Editor is best handled by contacting them directly.
  2. If you have questions about using a specific OPLIN service (your Internet connection, the reference databases, OPLIN webMAIL, etc.), call the OPLIN Help Desk at 1-888-96-OPLIN (1-888-966-7546).
  3. If you have a technical question, consider joining the OPLINTECH listserv.

If one of the above options doesn't provide a better alternative, then post your question to OPLINLIST.

List Settings

All subscription settings can be managed from the list's information pages.

  • Go to the web page
  • At the bottom of the information page, enter your email address and click the Edit Options button.
  • You can change any subscription options; enter your password, and click the Submit My Changes button.



OPLINTECH - the email list for all technical OPLIN discussions


The OPLINTECH e-list is an online discussion of any and all technical topics related to OPLIN or Ohio libraries and the Internet. Only subscribed members of the list can submit postings.


Anyone with Internet email and an interest in technical discussions related to OPLIN is encouraged to subscribe.



  • Go to the web page
  • Follow the instructions under the heading "Subscribing to OPLINTECH." You will enter your email address and password to manage your subscription.
  • You will be sent an email confirming your subscription request. Simply reply to the email and your subscription will be activated.


  • Go to the web page
  • At the bottom of the page, enter your email address and click the Edit Options button.
  • You will need your list password to unsubscribe. If you have forgotten it, click the Email My Password To Me button.
  • Enter your password under the heading "Unsubscribing from OPLINTECH."

To post a message to OPLINTECH: * Send an email message to:


Whenever an OPLIN technical issue needs discussion, clarification, advice, input, etc., use the OPLINTECH list to reach your peers in the Ohio public library community.

List Settings

All subscription settings can be managed from the list's information pages.

  • Go to the web page
  • At the bottom of the information page, enter your email address and click the Edit Options button.
  • You can change any subscription options; enter your password, and click the Submit My Changes button.

Northstar Digital Literacy

Northstar Digital Literacy oplin

Quick Links

Northstar Digital Literacy

Libraries have long known that to succeed in the information age, people need the digital skills to make use of online services and computer resources. Northstar is a valuable tool to help libraries help their communities, and thanks to an initial IMLS ARPA grant and ongoing support from LSTA funds from the State Library, it's now available to all Ohio libraries.

About Northstar Digital Literacy

Northstar focuses on basic digital literacy skills—such as using a mouse, searching on the internet, and using email—as well as advanced skills, like using Google Docs and searching for jobs online.

  1. Assessments in sixteen digital skills areas measure proficiency and identify skill gaps. Learners who take proctored assessments through a Northstar subscriber location can receive certificates or badges, which inspire a sense of confidence and accomplishment as well as allow them to demonstrate skills to potential employers.
  2. Instructor-led curricula provide detailed lesson plans for teachers and can be used remotely or in person. The curricula is easy to follow, learner-centered, interactive and flexible. Each lesson plan includes a detailed teacher prep guide.
  3. Self-directed online learning provides individualized online instruction and practice. Learners can independently access original online content incorporating Northstar standards, instruction, and practice. When learners complete an assessment, they are automatically directed to the Northstar Online Learning (NSOL) content corresponding to what they still need to learn. 

As Northstar locations, libraries can create learner accounts, which track online learning and the assessments completed. When libraries become Northstar testing locations, they can award certificates and digital badges, which inspire a sense of confidence and accomplishment, and demonstrate skill mastery to potential employers.


Visit, and click the green TAKE AN ASSESSMENT button.

"Take An Assessment" button

Choose any one of the 16 modules to test yourself.


There are lots of things for libraries to consider as they prepare to implement Northstar locally.  Here are some frequently asked questions and answers that may help.


As always, there is a wealth of marketing materials that OPLIN has consolidated and created for your library.


If your library has additional questions about Northstar Digital Literacy, please contact Christine Morris at 614-728-5252 or christine AT


Community partners may also be interested in learning more about Northstar.  Here is an overview of the Northstar grant project that you can share with potential digital literacy partners in your community.

Northstar for Libraries

Northstar for Libraries oplin

Digital literacy has been a part of library service since the first public computers were installed nearly 40 years ago. Public health concerns limited access to both library computers and face-to-face interaction with patrons in 2020.  In the meantime, patrons were pushed into situations requiring new levels of digital literacy: working from home, applying for new jobs or new benefits, and supporting online learning for family members.

Libraries are and have been engaged in the work of digital literacy, whether they have formally recognized that work or not. For many library staff, this work may feel like something “extra” that they have to do, especially if they don’t feel supported in that work. For library administrators, it is often difficult to find the resources to support their staff the way they would like. Northstar can and will be that support.


How is Northstar different from LinkedIn Learning?

In brief, Northstar is for folks who have relatively low digital literacy skills, and it is a tool that your staff can use to navigate those "where do we even start?" conversations with patrons.  It can also update or supplement any training curriculum you may use in your interactions with patrons.  The folks who developed Northstar (Literacy Minnesota) are skilled at breaking down digital literacy topics into manageable pieces with simplified vocabulary for people who are just starting out in their digital skills journey.
LinkedInLearning is focused on learners who have a more advanced comfort level with computers and want to explore topics in-depth.  Since the courses tend to be longer, the pace a little quicker, and the vocabulary a little more advanced, the LinkedIn Learning courses are better for folks who are further along in their digital skills journey.

When does my library have to "go live" with Northstar?

Your library can go live whenever it works best for you. Please take your time to get as comfortable as everyone needs before rolling it out. We will be checking in with libraries in January to see how you are doing, where you are, and what you need to get to where you want to be.

What does it mean to "go live" with Northstar?

That is up to your library and your community. We believe strongly that Northstar can be an effective resource on many levels, and we think that it will save you and your colleagues time and effort with the digital literacy work you are already doing. Here are some ways that you might implement Northstar at your library:

  • Your library may choose to promote Northstar for your patrons to do self-assessment and self-directed learning via your website.
  • Your library may choose to use Northstar to guide your interactions with patrons.
    • You can start with the digital literacy Screener, available to staff among Other Resources in the Northstar staff interface.
    • You can use the Northstar Curriculum to guide your interactions with patrons in one-on-one or group settings.
  • Your library can offer Proctoring Services or partner with local community groups to provide proctoring services to your patrons, resulting in digital literacy certification that they can use for job searches and personal satisfaction.

As you prepare to go live, you may find this checklist helpful.

There are two options to consider. 

You can use your library's unique link to the assessment launch page, as presented in the Admin portal.  For example:
You also have an option for a Learner-focused starting point.  For example:
The second option may suit your library better, but it requires a few tweaks--please contact Christine AT directly to get your unique URL and instructions to make it work best.

When can library staff get Northstar accounts?

Your local Site Administrator will be able to answer your questions about how & when your library will begin setting up staff accounts

What functions do Learners have in Northstar?

Learners can take assessments and save their scores. Learners can also access the practice lessons for questions that they missed on the assessments.

Do we have to add tags to Learner accounts?

No, whether or not to add tags and which tags to add are entirely up to your library.

Can Learners see tagging on their account?

No, tagging is only for the benefit of library staff, and it is only visible to staff.

Can Learner reports be sorted?

Yes, reports can be filtered by tags or date range, and the reports can be downloaded as a spreadsheet for further analysis.

Do Learners need an email address to set up an account?

Yes. That is the way the Northstar uniquely identifies each Learner. Each Learner must have a unique email address. That may be challenging for folks who are not yet firm in their digital literacy skills.  One way to deal with that is to follow your local processes for setting up patrons with personal email accounts.  Another way may be to set up an alias email and route it to your library, until the patron feels comfortable setting up their own email.

For example, Gmail has a built-in alias function. Multiple accounts can funnel to a single email address by using the + symbol and descriptive text afterward. Using that feature, one account (i.e. can become many email addresses (i.e.,, etc.). As far as Northstar is concerned, these are each unique email addresses, and Learners can update their email address when they are comfortable doing so.

Does my library have to proctor Northstar for our patrons?

You certainly don't have to proctor Northstar assessments, and there may be many reasons you choose not to do so.  But one of our goals with this grant is to have at least one library in each county that is willing to offer proctoring services.  It may be that you choose to offer proctoring for one or two hours per week by appointment, and even that can be a great service for your community.

How can I review the Northstar proctor training?

When you have been designated as a proctor, you will be prompted to complete a proctor training session in the Northstar system.  Once you have completed that training, the prompt will not return, but you can go back to review the training again.

Why can't I see my proctor PIN?

Until your library edits your Location Info to indicate that you are offering proctored assessments and certificates to your users, you will only be able to see your Proctor PIN on  your Personal Profile page.

How can my library proctor test takers in a group setting?

To do group proctoring, you would verbally instruct the test takers to make a request to start a proctored assessment from their account, and then you would approve the request in your Admin portal. Full instructions.

How can my library proctor remotely?

Remote proctoring is very similar to group proctoring. Northstar has created a couple of best practice resources for remote proctoring, including a full instruction guide and a handy checklist to use each time you work with a remote test-taker.

Can my library deputize volunteer proctors?

Yes, your library can set up volunteers as proctors, especially if your staff do not have capacity to take that on. You may find volunteer interest among a variety of civic groups. You can add the proctor volunteers in the Admin portal, and they will receive an email invitation to undertake the training.  Once they complete the training, they will have a Proctor PIN, and you can coordinate a proctor schedule with them.

Can community partners (like Ohio Means Jobs sites) get the results of their clients from the library?

There are confidentiality considerations to make in responding to that request.  The simplest solution would be to print out two copies of assessment results or certificates for the clients to share one copy with the partner organization.

Can Learners get Northstar certificates without proctoring?

No; the proctoring process ensures that the assessment was completed according to Northstar standards for certification.

Can a Learner be checked in without a photo ID?

No; Northstar protocol requires a photo ID, but if you have specific concerns about a Learner without a photo ID, please create a Support Ticket with Northstar to discuss the situation.

Are the Northstar certificates recognized?

The Northstar certificates are not an industry credential, but they are becoming more widely recognized as documentation of digital literacy skill.

How frequently are assessments updated?

The assessments are reviewed annually for needed updates, and they are also reviewed after the release of major software updates.

Why does Northstar not recommend using the assessments for pre-employment screening?

There are several reasons why Northstar does not recommend using the assessment to screen job applicants.

First and foremost, the Northstar philosophy is one of empowerment - they do not want Northstar to be used to 'screen people out' of employment, but to help individuals identify skills that might need improvement, so they can take appropriate action.

Secondly, Northstar was not developed as an employment screening tool, so they cannot vouch that it meets legal requirements as such. There are a number of requirements regarding assessments and test validity from the US Department of Labor and the EEOC that should be considered before using any tool for pre-employment screening.

Can we use Northstar for our library staff training?

It is possible to use Northstar to help improve digital literacy skills among your own library staff. There are many local considerations to make in doing so, but there are libraries that have found success. One example is from Heights Libraries.

How can I help Learners after they take an assessment?

Almost all of the assessment topics have NSOL practice modules. These are the assessment topics that have built-in lessons:

  • Basic Computer Skills (English and Spanish)
  • Internet Basics (English and Spanish)
  • Email (English and Spanish)
  • Windows 10 (English and Spanish)
  • Windows 11 (English and Spanish)
  • Mac OS (English and Spanish)
  • MS Word (English and Spanish)
  • MS Excel (English and Spanish)
  • MS PowerPoint (English and Spanish)
  • (Google) Docs (English and Spanish)
  • Social Media (English and Spanish)
  • Information Literacy (English and Spanish)
  • Career Search Skills (English and Spanish)
  • Your Digital Footprint (English and Spanish)
  • K-12 Distance Learning (English and Spanish)
  • Telehealth (English and Spanish)

There is no answer key

Never fear! The Learners will receive a report after taking the assessment. That report will refer to the Northstar standards they need to address. Those standards are addressed in the curriculum, which you can use in a class setting or in a one-on-one consultation with the Learner. You can also use the curriculum to suggest resources for self-guided learning.

How many administrators can my library have for Northstar?

Each library can have up to three administrators.  We recommend that you consider having at least two, so that there is a backup in place at your library. If you want to have three administrators, please re-assign the OPLIN account for your library to have Admin Portal Access only.

Where can I see the recordings of the previous training sessions?

We are recording all of the training sessions, and those sessions are posted on the OPLIN YouTube Channel. The slides are also available. The introductory session, hosted by OLC, can also be viewed..

Can I learn about Northstar in less than an hour?

Yes! The recorded trainings are a great resource, but sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day.  Here is a way to get ready in less time:


If you have 15 minutes:

Overview What is Northstar? 3 min, 55 sec
Northstar Online Learning (NSOL) Meet Northstar Online Learning 44 sec
Northstar Online Learning (NSOL) NSOL Navigation, Part 1 1 min, 24 sec
Northstar Online Learning (NSOL) NSOL Navigation, Part 2 1 min, 25 sec
Northstar Online Learning (NSOL) NSOL Navigation, Part 3 1 min, 54 sec
Assessments Opening a Northstar Location's Launch Page 1 min, 45 sec
Assessments Public vs Proctored Assessments 1 min, 53 sec

If you have 30 minutes, all of the above plus:

Learner Accounts Creating and Managing Learner Accounts 2 min, 34 sec
Learner Accounts Viewing Learner Progress 1 min, 36 sec
Learner Accounts Viewing Learner Usage Reports 1 min, 35 sec
Learner Accounts Organizing Learners Using Tags 2 min, 20 sec

If you have 45 minutes, all of the above plus:

Assessments Invalidating an Assessment 38 sec
Assessments Viewing Missed Questions 51 sec
Assessments Downloading Assessment Results 1 min, 05 sec
Proctoring Assessments Passwords and PINs 1 min, 27 sec
Proctoring Assessments Proctored Assessment - Using Proctor PIN 1 min, 13 sec
Proctoring Assessments Proctored Assessment - By Test Taker Request 1 min, 08 sec
Proctoring Assessments Claiming Badges 42 sec
Proctoring Assessments Printing a Certificate 52 sec
Proctoring Assessments Merging Certificates 1 min, 16 sec
Proctoring Assessments Changing the Name on a Certificate 55 sec

And if you need an Admin overview:

Admin Portal Managing Staff Accounts 2 min, 12 sec
Admin Portal Editing Location Info 2 min, 00 sec

What other resources are available to my library for Northstar?

Please remember that there is a lot of support available to you in the Resources tab of the Admin Portal of Northstar. Additionally, we have prepared some resources specific to our grant that you may find useful, including flyers, bookmarks, sample press releases, and digital assets.  

Which libraries are "live" with Northstar now?

There are a number of libraries that have implemented Northstar locally, and they are great examples of the many ways that Northstar could be used in your community:

What comes next after Northstar?

Northstar is a tremendous resource for your library and your community, but it might be just the start for your community.  Many libraries are building on their long-standing commitment to closing the digital divide by working towards digital equity and digital inclusion.

Digital Equity is a condition in which all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, democracy and economy.

Digital Inclusion refers to the activities necessary to ensure that all individuals and communities, including the most disadvantaged, have access to and use of Information and Communication Technologies.

Digital Inclusion requires

  • Affordable, Robust Internet Service
  • Internet-Enabled Devices
  • Digital Literacy Training
  • Quality Technical Support
  • Applications & Content

Digital navigators can help people with many of these aspects.

Digital Navigators are trusted guides who assist community members in internet adoption and the use of computing devices. Digital navigation services include ongoing assistance with affordable internet access, device acquisition, technical skills, and application support.

There are several ways to think of digital navigation. Digital inclusion researchers have suggested four archetypes of digital navigation work:

  • Intervention Specialists - people who provide others with quick answers, basic support, and network referrals
  • Digital-Inclusion Specialists - people who are dedicated trainers to whom intervention specialists make referrals
  • Social-Change Agents - people who have trusted community relationships and a deep understanding of the systemic issues for their community
  • Functional-Skill Builders - people who align skills training with specific goals and outcomes

Many library staff find themselves in the roles of intervention specialist or digital inclusion specialist. Your library may want to partner with other community agencies to connect patrons with social-change agents and functional-skill builders.

Here are some other resources and potential partners for you to consider as you plan next steps in helping your community achieve digital inclusion for all:

Northstar Quick Start for Libraries

Northstar Quick Start for Libraries

Interested in Northstar, but not sure where to start?

The best way to start is to try it yourself!

Visit, and click the green TAKE AN ASSESSMENT button.

"Take An Assessment" button

Your library can go live with Northstar in three easy steps:

  1. Train a few staff with the Quick Start playlists below.
  2. Schedule a time to go through the "Go Live" checklist with christine AT
  3. Put your library's unique link to Northstar on your website.

You and your colleagues can learn the basics about Northstar in less than an hour!

If you have 15 minutes:

Overview What is Northstar? 3 min, 55 sec
Northstar Online Learning (NSOL) Meet Northstar Online Learning 44 sec
Northstar Online Learning (NSOL) NSOL Navigation, Part 1 1 min, 24 sec
Northstar Online Learning (NSOL) NSOL Navigation, Part 2 1 min, 25 sec
Northstar Online Learning (NSOL) NSOL Navigation, Part 3 1 min, 54 sec
Assessments Opening a Northstar Location's Launch Page 1 min, 45 sec
Assessments Public vs Proctored Assessments 1 min, 53 sec

If you have 30 minutes, all of the above plus:

Learner Accounts Creating and Managing Learner Accounts 2 min, 34 sec
Learner Accounts Viewing Learner Progress 1 min, 36 sec
Learner Accounts Viewing Learner Usage Reports 1 min, 35 sec
Learner Accounts Organizing Learners Using Tags 2 min, 20 sec

If you have 45 minutes, all of the above plus:

Assessments Invalidating an Assessment 38 sec
Assessments Viewing Missed Questions 51 sec
Assessments Downloading Assessment Results 1 min, 05 sec
Proctoring Assessments Passwords and PINs 1 min, 27 sec
Proctoring Assessments Proctored Assessment - Using Proctor PIN 1 min, 13 sec
Proctoring Assessments Proctored Assessment - By Test Taker Request 1 min, 08 sec
Proctoring Assessments Claiming Badges 42 sec
Proctoring Assessments Printing a Certificate 52 sec
Proctoring Assessments Merging Certificates 1 min, 16 sec
Proctoring Assessments Changing the Name on a Certificate 55 sec

And if you need an Admin overview:

Admin Portal Managing Staff Accounts 2 min, 12 sec
Admin Portal Editing Location Info 2 min, 00 sec

Northstar for Digital Literacy Partners

Northstar for Digital Literacy Partners oplin

At its September 2021 meeting, the Board of the State Library of Ohio approved $60,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to support licenses to Northstar Digital Literacy for all of Ohio’s public libraries through OPLIN. The purpose of acquiring Northstar is to

  1. help individuals assess their current level of digital literacy,
  2. provide tools for individuals to develop competencies,
  3. provide optional curriculum for library staff to assist in developing digital literacy skills among their patrons, and
  4. provide an optional certification process for libraries that are interested in helping their patrons gain credentials.

OPLIN is implementing Northstar statewide for all library sites simultaneously, but adoption at a local library level will be up to the libraries. Based on current interest, we are expecting at least half of the 251 public libraries in Ohio will go live with Northstar by early January. First-round training started in late November and will conclude in late December.

Additional training will take place in early 2022 for second-round adopters.

Libraries will have the opportunity to self-select with regard to assessment proctoring and certification. Our goal is to have at least one proctoring library in each county by September 30, 2022.

Additional updates for Digital Literacy Partners will be posted here as they become available.

Security Awareness

Security Awareness oplin

DNS Filtering with Cisco Umbrella

OPLIN provides a subscription to Cisco Umbrella for every Ohio public library. Cisco Umbrella filters content by passing DNS requests through their managed DNS servers. Configuring Cisco Umbrella as your library's public DNS servers improves security by filtering malicious domains. Learn how to get started.

Vulnerability Notification: 

CISA Cyber Hygiene Vulnerability Scanning

OPLIN Participates in CISA's Cyber Hygiene vulnerability scans for OPLIN IP addresses. OPLIN will periodically send you the vulnerability report for your library's IP addresses. To update who receives the report, or for methodology details, please email


The Multi-State Information Sharing & Analysis Center provides pro-active security advisories and other services for State and Local Government agencies, including incident response, weekly reports of malicious domains/IPs, tapletop exercses, education materials, webinars from other state agencies, and more.

OPLIN Port Scanning Service

On request, OPLIN can perform a port scan of your library's public IP addresses, and provide you with a report of the results. Get in touch with OPLIN at to discuss your project, needs and goals.

Best Practices:

CIS Security

The Center for Internet Security publishes a list of 18 controls, a set of best practices for managing organizational security practices. The CIS Controls comply with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. The CIS Controls are an excellent place to start when designing security procedures or policy for your organization. A CIS SecureSuite membership is free to State and Local Government agencies who sign up for MS-ISAC. Resources include secure configuration benchmarks and hardened system images.

NCCoE: Protecting Data from Ransomware

The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence and NIST collaborated on this brief, essential guide for IT and managed service providers to ensure adequate backup planning and solutions are in place to protect an organization's critical data from loss and destruction. "Protecting Data from Ransomware and Other Data Loss Events: A Guide for Managed Service Providers to Conduct, Maintain, and Test Backup Files."

CISA Ransomware Guide

The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency and MS-ISAC publish a joint Ransomware Guide, a "one-stop resource with best practices and ways to prevent, protect and/or respond to a ransomware attack." Review and implement best practices for preventing a ransomware attack, and a detailed guide of how to respond to an active ransomware incident. The guide includes federal response contacts, free services provided by CISA, and links to best practices for securing common business-critical infrastructure.

CISA Cyber Essentials

The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency is a federal entity that provides free resources to support cybersecurity in all government entities. CISA's Cyber Essentials framework is an accessible toolkit of best practices for small businesses and local government to help guide procedure and policy. CISA offers many services, including risk assessment, penetration testing, web application scanning, cyber infrastructure survey, and more.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework

The National Institute for Standards and Technology's Cybersecurity Framework is a comprehensive set of guidelines to help organizations manage the security of information, assets, and resources. The NIST cybersecurity framework provides guidance to help identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover from security threats. The NIST framework is broadly recognized as industry best practice.



Ohio's TechCred program reimburses employers for the cost of technical training leading to certification for current and prospective employees. A broad range of technical training is eligible, and the application process is open frequently.


The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education maintains a list of free and low-cost resources for online cybersecurity training.


The Ohio Cyber Range Institute is a partnership between higher education and state government to improve the cybersecurity awareness and education of Ohio's citizens and organizations. Part of the Ohio Cyber Collaboration Committee, the OCRI is available to libraries to host classes on the range's virtual environment. Sign up to gain access to detailed information.


Online, on-demand cybersecurity training program, free to employees of state and local government. Cybersecurity courses are organized according to the NICCS Cyber SEcurity Workforce Framework, and range from beginning to advanced.

Cybersecurity Funding

Cybersecurity Funding


CyberOhio Grant Program

CyberOhio has opened applications for a Cybersecurity Software and Services Grant for local government entities.

  • Public libraries are eligible to apply for up to $20,000 to fund specific cybersecurity software and services.
  • Grant recipients must contribute a 20% local match.
  • Eligible projects include endpoint detection and response, multi-factor authentication, email security solutions, security operations center as a service, or consulting services to implement security controls. Example products and services are listed in the Grant Application Guidance, but other similar solutions are also eligible.
  • Applicants can submit only one application, but may request funding for multiple projects.
  • Applications are open from July 22 - September 16, 2024.
  • Grant projects must be completed between December 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026.

More information, including guidance and a sample application, are available at CyberOhio


E-Rate Cybersecurity Pilot Program

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has designated a portion of the Universal Service Fund (USF) to establish a cybersecurity pilot program. The program will require an initial application, and a pilot program cohort will be selected from the initial applicant pool. Applicants may be individual libraries, library systems, or library consortia. Selected libraries are eligible for a pre-discount budget of $15,000 per site, up to $175,000 for a system or consortium consisting of 12 or more sites. That budget re-sets each year for the 3 years of the pilot program ($45,000 per site for the duration of the pilot program or $525,000 for an applicant with 12 or more sites).

A full overview of the pilot program can be found on the USAC website.

For all of the details from the FCC, you can read the published rule in the Federal Register or the full Report and Order.


Program Comparison

  CyberOhio Grant Program

E-Rate Cybersecurity Pilot Program

Yes Yes
Funding Period 19 months 3 years
Total Program
$6.84 million $200 million
Program Scope Ohio United States
Max Funding $20,000 per applicant entity
for the entire program period
$15,000 per library per year
$175,000 max per system per year
Project Match
20% Varies by E-Rate discount matrix qualifications
Eligible Projects Appendix A-B (pages 11-17) Eligible Services List
Competitive Bidding
No Yes
Document Retention
No 10 years
UEI Number
Yes Yes
Rural Applicants
Yes Not specifically

Website Audits

Website Audits oplin

*Website Kit clients ONLY click here for more information about audits*

Wondering if your library's website measures up to current best practices in web design?  

OPLIN now offers a professional audit of your library's website.  You will receive a detailed, written report, evaluating the following areas of potential concern:

  • Accessibility
  • Speed
  • Images
  • Content issues
  • Navigation
  • Search
  • Fonts
  • Responsive design
The report includes further resources to learn more about the problems found on the site. There is no cost for this service. OPLIN will audit up to four (4) Ohio public library websites per month, on a first-come, first-serve basis. Your library does not have to use OPLIN's Website Kit service to request an audit. Please email for more information or to get an audit for your library's site.