June 14, 2013 Minutes

June 14, 2013 Minutes hedgesst


Minutes — June 14, 2013


The one hundred thirty-eighth meeting of the Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) Board of Trustees was called to order at 10:12 a.m. on Friday, June 14, 2013 by Board Chair Jamie Mason at the State Library of Ohio in Columbus, Ohio.

Present were Board members: Jill Billman-Royer, Gary Branson, Susan Brown, Jamie Mason, Sandi Plymire, and Becky Schultz.

Also present were: Stephen Hedges and Karl Jendretzky (OPLIN); Jamie Pardee and Beverly Cain (State Library); and Doug Evans (Ohio Library Council).


Jamie Mason announced that Karen Davis was ill and not able to present the results of the Director's evaluation, so there would be no need for the Executive Session at the end of the meeting.

Sandi Plymire motioned to approve the agenda as amended; Gary Branson seconded. All aye.


Jamie Mason called for public participation.

Doug Evans updated the Board on the progress of the Ohio Library Council (OLC) "Federal Ebook Project," as they are calling the effort to ease both budget and copyright restrictions on library lending of ebooks. Doug thanked the Board for the first installment of OPLIN's financial support for legal research, which has been received and placed in a separate account at OLC. He provided a summary of research findings to date and reported that OLC hopes legislation will be drafted by September, although the process of legislative hearings and possible action may take several years. Ohio attendees at May's American Library Association (ALA) Legislative Day lobbied the Ohio congressional delegation for their support of the project, and OLC is pursuing a joint resolution of support from the state legislature. Doug will also be presenting information about this project at the upcoming ALA Annual Conference in Chicago.

Doug also provided a brief update on the status of the state biennium budget bill. The Senate made only one minor change to public library funding from the House version of the bill to correct a drafting error in the transfer of funds from the Public Library Fund to OPLIN.

Beverly Cain noted that OPLIN Library Services Manager Laura Solomon will be presenting two sessions at the ILEAD USA meeting next week in Illinois. Beverly also reported that the State Library has just learned that their Guiding Ohio Online grant proposal, which will train Americorps volunteers to teach digital literacy through libraries, was successful. OPLIN will be hosting the website for this project.

4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of April 12 meeting

Jamie Mason requested approval of the minutes of the April 12 Board meeting.

Jill Billman-Royer motioned to approve the minutes as presented; Susan Brown seconded. All aye.


Jamie Pardee presented the Financial Reports as of May 31. Report B detailed fiscal years 2012 and 2013; fiscal year 2012 is now closed and unchanged. As the end of FY2013 approaches, both revenue and expenditures in the current fiscal year are similar to what they were in past fiscal years, although telecommunications expenses may be a bit greater than last year. Jamie questioned whether the $81,000 earmark for filtering still needed to appear in future budget documents; Stephen Hedges replied that the earmark of a specific amount will not be in the new state biennium budget.

Gary Branson motioned to accept the Financial Reports; Sandi Plymire seconded. All aye.


6.1. Approve revisions to Strategic Plan

Stephen Hedges presented a document describing the changes to the Strategic Plan discussed at the April meeting, as well as a clean copy of the Strategic Plan with these changes incorporated. Stephen also summarized the April Board discussion of these changes.

Susan Brown motioned to approve the revisions to the Strategic Plan as presented; Becky Schultz seconded.

Gary Branson asked if the Content Advisory Committee needed to be better defined in the Strategic Plan. Stephen Hedges responded that his review of the current Content Advisory Committee revealed that most of the previous members are no longer employed in libraries; he therefore plans to ask the Board for separate action in August creating a new Content Advisory standing committee.

Recorded vote: Jill Billman-Royer, aye; Gary Branson, aye; Susan Brown, aye; Sandi Plymire, aye; Becky Schultz, aye; and Jamie Mason, aye.


7.1. Discuss draft Network Testing Service plan

Stephen Hedges presented a draft plan for a Network Testing Service, as discussed at the April Board meeting. Stephen reminded the Board that this service would provide limited assistance to libraries with internal networking problems that prevented them from taking full advantage of their OPLIN Internet connection, and he briefly described the types of assistance OPLIN would provide.

Jill Billman-Royer noted that the two-month time frame for completion of the testing and writing of a report could be too short. Karl Jendretzky responded, however, that it is his intention to put the results of testing into an email sent to the local library, rather than creating a formal report, and in that case two months is sufficient time. After discussion, the Board suggested that "report" be changed to "diagnostic summary."

7.2. Approve NewsBank contract extension

Stephen Hedges noted that the next two agenda items result from the decision by the committee reviewing bids for the Libraries Connect Ohio purchase of statewide databases for the next five years to drop some current subscriptions due to shortage of funds. Two of these subscriptions — NewsBank and Mango Languages — are heavily used by public libraries and many libraries are likely to want to replace them using local funds. Most public library budgets have been set for the 2013 calendar year, however, and replacing these resources beginning in July would be a financial hardship.

The proposed NewsBank contract would extend NewsBank access by public libraries and the State Library until October 31, after which NewsBank would work with libraries that want to maintain access using 2014 funds, at a cost of $100,000. The funds would come from OPLIN E-rate reimbursements. Because this contract and the proposed Mango Languages contract may also need approval from the State Controlling Board, Jamie Pardee explained the process for gaining such approval.

Gary Branson motioned to approve the proposed contract with NewsBank; Jill Billman-Royer seconded.

Recorded vote: Jill Billman-Royer, aye; Gary Branson, aye; Susan Brown, aye; Sandi Plymire, aye; Becky Schultz, aye; and Jamie Mason, aye.

7.3. Approve Mango Languages contract extension

The proposed Mango Languages contract would extend Mango Languages access by public libraries and the State Library until December 31 at a cost of $166,600. The funds would come from OPLIN E-rate reimbursements.

Gary Branson motioned to approve the proposed contract with Mango Languages; Susan Brown seconded.

Recorded vote: Jill Billman-Royer, aye; Gary Branson, aye; Susan Brown, aye; Sandi Plymire, aye; Becky Schultz, aye; and Jamie Mason, aye.

7.4. Approve OPLIN office furnishings

Stephen Hedges informed the Board that OPLIN staff recently re-arranged their office spaces, during which it became obvious that much of the staff furniture was procured during the very first days of OPLIN and is now in need of replacement. The same re-arrangement of office space resulted in a open area within the office that is large enough to hold Board meetings, if Board tables and chairs are purchased. Stephen has done some furniture shopping and believes he can use Ohio Penal Industries and state contracts with other vendors to purchase new chairs and desks for some staff as well as Board tables and chairs for less than $20,000.

Sandi Plymire motioned to authorize the OPLIN Director to spend up to $20,000 to purchase furniture for the staff and Board; Jill Billman-Royer seconded.

Recorded vote: Jill Billman-Royer, aye; Gary Branson, aye; Susan Brown, aye; Sandi Plymire, aye; Becky Schultz, aye; and Jamie Mason, aye.


Stephen Hedges reported on his recent appearances before the State Library Board to request LSTA funds for the Libraries Connect Ohio databases purchase, and before the Senate Finance Education Subcommittee to provide testimony regarding a drafting error in the OPLIN budget. He also reported on his activities visiting the Ohio Congressional delegation during ALA Legislative Day in Washington DC. Stephen informed the Board of a trip he took with Karl Jendretzky to Cuyahoga County Public Library to discuss their network topology and an upgrade to their OPLIN connection; in the course of following up on this meeting, Stephen has decided to revise the current connection upgrade practices to make accommodations for E-rate regulations. Finally, Stephen reported on a meeting he attended where Ohio Rep. Mike Duffey explained the suite of legislation he plans to sponsor to promote open Ohio government data.

Regarding OPLIN office activities, Stephen highlighted Laura Solomon's presentation at the OLC North Conference. He also made note of his attendance at the Worthington Libraries Community Breakfast and the memorial service for David Miller in Bowling Green, and his presentation at the OLC New Directors Workshop.

8.1. Technology Projects Manager report

Karl Jendretzky announced the launch of the new Explore Ohio website, which makes use of location-aware services. Karl also reported on a number of problems with non-OPLIN state email and DNS services experienced by libraries, which he was able to help resolve. In regard to OpenDNS, Karl reported that there are now 76 accounts registered through OPLIN. Karl also reported that the SMS (messaging) service has 89 libraries actively using it.

Karl informed the Board that the first wireless point-to-point OPLIN connection has been installed at Puskarich Public Library and seems to be working well. He also reported that Columbus Metropolitan Library is considering changing to a different network topology offered by Time Warner, which may be of interest to OPLIN, too.

8.2. Library Services Manager report

In the absence of Laura Solomon due to a family illness, Stephen Hedges reported that there are now 62 live library website kits and eight more in various stages of completion. Those eight will be built on Drupal 7 and use responsive web design. Laura will soon be starting the process of making this major upgrade to all website kits.

8.3. Database usage

Stephen Hedges reported that EBSCOhost usage statistics were particularly low last month, which significantly affected total usage statistics. The slump did not seem to be limited to any particular EBSCO interface or product.


9.1. Report from Nominations Committee

Representing the Nominations Committee, Gary Branson presented the committee's recommendation that the State Library Board be asked to appoint Cindy Lombardo, Deputy Director of Cleveland Public Library, Joseph Greenward, Director of Lane Public Library, and Michael Penrod, Director of Wood County District Public Library, to the OPLIN Board. This recommendation followed extensive discussions of the best candidates to maintain the diversity of the OPLIN Board.

Jill Billman-Royer motioned to accept the recommendation of the Nominations Committee; Susan Brown seconded. All aye.

Gary also reported that the Nominations Committee developed the following slate of officers for possible approval at the August Board meeting: Karen Davis, Chair; Jill Billman-Royer, Vice-Chair; Don Barlow, Secretary; and Ben Chinni, Treasurer.

9.2. Resolutions

Chair Jamie Mason presented the following resolution to Gary Branson:

WHEREAS, GARY BRANSON has been a member of the Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) Board of Trustees since July 2007, and

WHEREAS he has freely and unselfishly given of his time and efforts to ensure the success of OPLIN by serving on the Board for SIX years, and

WHEREAS he has served steadfastly as the Treasurer of the OPLIN Board since July 2010, and

WHEREAS he has consistently contributed his exceptional opinions to OPLIN Board and OPLIN Executive Committee deliberations, and

WHEREAS he has been a valued and active participant in Board activities, keeping the OPLIN Board focused on the goal of improving services to the Ohio public library community, and

WHEREAS his service as the Director of the London Public Library and later as the Director of the Marion Public Library gave him an exceptional perspective on OPLIN and its services to libraries,

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that on the 14th day of June, Two Thousand and Thirteen, the members of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio Public Library Information Network recognize the significant contributions made to public libraries and library service by GARY BRANSON during his outstanding tenure with the Ohio Public Library Information Network, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board extends its most sincere thanks and appreciation to GARY BRANSON for his continued volunteer service as a member of that Board.


Jamie Mason, Chair

Chair Jamie Mason also directed that the following two resolutions be read into the minutes:

WHEREAS, KARL COLÓN has been a member of the Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) Board of Trustees since July 2007, and

WHEREAS he has freely and unselfishly given of his time and efforts to ensure the success of OPLIN by serving on the Board for SIX years, and

WHEREAS he provided exceptional leadership as the Chair of the OPLIN Board from July 2009 through June 2010, and

WHEREAS he has served steadfastly as the Secretary of the OPLIN Board since July 2011, and

WHEREAS he has consistently contributed outstanding opinions to OPLIN Board and OPLIN Executive Committee deliberations, and

WHEREAS he has been an active proponent of OPLIN in many public library venues, including the Ohio Library Council Government Relations Committee, and

WHEREAS his service as the Director of the Greene County Public Library gave him an exceptional perspective on OPLIN and its services to libraries,

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that on the 14th day of June, Two Thousand and Thirteen, the members of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio Public Library Information Network recognize the significant contributions made to public libraries and library service by KARL COLÓN during his outstanding tenure with the Ohio Public Library Information Network, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board extends its most sincere thanks and appreciation to KARL COLÓN for his continued volunteer service as a member of that Board.


Jamie Mason, Chair


WHEREAS, JEFF WALE has been a member of the Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) Board of Trustees since June 2007, and

WHEREAS he has freely and unselfishly given of his time and efforts to ensure the success of OPLIN by serving on the Board for SIX years, and

WHEREAS he provided superior leadership as the Chair of the OPLIN Board from July 2011 through June 2012, and

WHEREAS he has consistently contributed his valuable opinions to OPLIN Board and OPLIN Executive Committee deliberations, and

WHEREAS his exceptional knowledge of technical issues has always been a helpful source of information for the Board, and

WHEREAS he has been a steadfast and active advocate for OPLIN throughout his tenure on the Board, and

WHEREAS his service as the Information Technology Manager of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library gave him an exceptional perspective on OPLIN and its services to libraries,

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that on the 14th day of June, Two Thousand and Thirteen, the members of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio Public Library Information Network recognize the significant contributions made to public libraries and library service by JEFF WALE during his outstanding tenure with the Ohio Public Library Information Network, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board extends its most sincere thanks and appreciation to JEFF WALE for his continued volunteer service as a member of that Board.


Jamie Mason, Chair


On motion of Jill Billman-Royer the Board adjourned at 11:58 a.m.