Other Administrative Functions: Logging Out Remember to logout when you are done; the next person to use your computer will have access to your content if you don't logout. After you logout you will be returned to the normal view of your website, without the Edit button at the top of the site’s pages. You can log out by clicking your account’s username in the black administrative navigation bar and getting the sub-menu bar. You can also log out by clicking the blue Drupal logo to the far left and choosing Logout. "Access Denied" Sometimes, when you try to log in, you might see a message that says “Access denied.” However, this message is very misleading: if you enter the incorrect password or username, you actually will receive a very different message. The "Access denied" message actually means that you (or someone else on the same computer) did not logout of the website the last time. The browser now believes that you are attempting to open a new session, when session cookies for an existing session still exist. In order to clear the problem, you will need to clear the cookies from your browser. To prevent this issue, always be sure to click the "Logout" option on the Administration Toolbar when you're finished.