It's time once again for OPLIN to start the process of applying for E-rate discounts. OPLIN applies for over $1 million in E-rate discounts every year, and in the current budget climate, these funds are absolutely critical.

In order for OPLIN to apply for all of our eligible E-rate discounts, we require two forms from public libraries: a Letter of Agency and a Form 479. We must collect these forms from every library every year. The easiest way for libraries to prepare these forms is to use the automated process outlined below.

First, go to  You will be asked to enter your library's FSCS number. If you don't know your FSCS number, click on link below the box for your FSCS.

Once you successfully log in, the information your library provided last year will be automatically displayed. If there are any errors in your E-rate ID (Billed Entity Number) or FCC Registration Number, click on the "Update my ID information" link at the top of the page to send OPLIN an e-mail with the corrected information. You can make
changes to any of the other information on the page by typing it into the appropriate boxes and hitting the "Submit" button at the bottom.  If your current information is the same as last year's, simply click the "No Change" buttons. Be sure to submit the e-mail address you want to use for E-rate-related contact.

The last box asks about CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act) compliance. Depending on what you choose from the pull-down list, new text will appear on the screen asking for further confirmation of your CIPA status. You will need to click on the check box in front of the new text to certify that it is accurate. The Ohio Library Council has a good web page about CIPA-compliance at

Once you've completed the information and clicked "Submit," several things happen automatically. First, a Letter of Agency and a Form 479 for your library are generated and saved in pdf format on OPLIN's server. You'll also see a message allowing you to view or download the pdf file. An e-mail will also be sent to the address you provided,
verifying that you submitted the form and containing a link to the pdf file.

At this point, you should carefully review the pdf file. If you need to make changes, simply start the process again ( When everything in the pdf looks correct, you MUST print out the forms, sign and date them, and mail them to OPLIN at 2323 W. Fifth Ave. Suite 130, Columbus, Ohio 43204; or fax them to us at 614-728-5256.

The Letter of Agency gives OPLIN the authority to apply for E-rate discounts on the services you receive from us. Form 479 certifies that your library receives particular services from a consortium (OPLIN is considered a consortium for E-rate purposes), and that the consortium is applying for the E-rate discount on these services.

The OPLIN Support Center can answer questions you have about this process. Call 1-888-96-OPLIN between 8:00AM and 5:00PM Monday through Friday, e-mail, or chat with us live at

Again, E-rate requires that every library submit these forms to OPLIN every year. Please visit and complete the process AS SOON AS YOU CAN. OPLIN cannot apply for E-rate discounts until we have these forms from ALL Ohio public libraries.

Thank you!

Stephen Hedges, Executive Director
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
2323 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 130
Columbus, Ohio 43204
614-728-5250 AIM: hedgesst