The Ohio Web Library is comprised of a number of resources available to patrons at libraries statewide.
These resources have been selected using several different processes:
- Libraries Connect Ohio databases are selected by a committee of public, academic, and K-12 libraries that convenes every five years to review proposals made by vendors through a formal ITN process. More information about the Libraries Connect Ohio group and the ITN process can be found elsewhere on the OPLIN website. The OPLIN Board approves the OPLIN contribution to LCO funding.
- Genealogy databases are contracted separately, pending the availability of OPLIN operating funds. The Content Advisory Committee offers feedback on the package, but the Executive Director is responsible for contract negotiations and budgeting, and OPLIN Board is ultimately responsible for approving funding for the contract.
There are also resources that were contracted with perpetual access many years ago, which still remain part of the Ohio Web Library:
- American and English Full Text Literature Collections
- Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
Finally, three Ohio Web Library resources are maintained by OPLIN's web services, using content provided by the Ohio History Connection
- What Tree Is It?
- What's That Snake?
- What's the Point?
Additional information about all of these resources can be found at the Statewide Content page of the OPLIN website.