Wondering what the process is for getting an OPLIN Website Kit? Details, below:

  1. Phone conference. The process starts with a phone conference, generally between OPLIN and one or perhaps two contact people (see How to Make Your Website Kit Process Easier for more information about Website Kit liaisons).  We will send you a list of questions to consider beforehand. We'll discuss what you like (or don't like) about your current site, and what you'd like in a new one. You'll be asked to choose a design template. We'll also make recommendations based on your needs and goals.  
  2. Cost estimate.  After the phone conference, OPLIN will send you an itemized cost estimate for your project, based on what was discussed in the initial phone conference.  You'll be asked to review and to note any changes. 
  3. Contract.  Once we have a finalized cost estimate, your library will be sent an official contract. When we have received the signed copy, work on your new Website Kit will be in earnest.
  4. Site architecture.  We'll put together a site architecture, which will  map out the hierarchy of your content, based on the phone conference and on the site's existing content.  We'll then ask you to make revisions (such as removing pages no longer used or re-arranging the order of any pages).  OPLIN will review your proposed changes for any potential usability issues. Once we have something we're all happy with, you'll sign an Architecture Approval form. Keep in mind that any changes requested to this architecture,  after signing,  will incur additional charges, with a minimum charge of $150.00.
  5. Design. Based on the specifications laid out in the phone conference and the approved site architecture, OPLIN creates a design prototype (mockup) of your library's site, using your chosen template.  We allow up to three drafts; that means that, after the original version, you'll have two (2)  more drafts available for tweaks or changes.
  6. Construction.  This is when OPLIN actually builds your site. 
  7. Review. When the site build is nearly complete, we'll send you a link to it on a test server to look at, and ask you to fill out an approval form for various design elements. Any issues should be noted at that time.
  8. Training. When  all design regions are fixed and approved, we'll schedule training for you and/or your designated staff. The training will cover how to input various types of content, as well as any administrative functions native to the site. Training typically takes approximately two (2) hours; we allow up to three (3) as part of your project. 
  9. Launch. Launch occurs when you tell us that all necessary content has been migrated to the new site.  OPLIN will will work with your library to manage any DNS changes for domains related to your website.