Beginning in 2024, OPLIN now offers four (4) different design templates for libraries. Each provides a different number and/or combination of features. Scroll down for a comparison chart, live demos and more information about each.


Feature Core Core Plus


Hero Plus

Changeable leader image 

(NOTE: this is not a carousel or rotating banner)

Static hero image     checkmark checkmark
Story blocks checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Icon blocks   checkmark    
Featured event blocks       checkmark


Large image section (left image, right text) checkmark checkmark   checkmark

Event imports from LibCal, WhoFi,

Library Market or Communico

checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Automatic open hours in header     checkmark checkmark
User-changeable hours in footer checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Scroll animation (optional)   checkmark   checkmark
Max # of main navigation options 6 5 5 5
Example of Core template



Core Template  (LIVE DEMO)

A great basic option for libraries looking for a clean layout. Includes a large image section, three (3) story blocks, Upcoming Events block, vendor logos block, featured database block and 4-part footer.


Sample of Hero template



Hero Template (LIVE DEMO)

Our most basic template: perfect for libraries that have limited time and/or staff. Includes a static (non-changeable) hero image in the header, with embedded search feature. Also includes three (3) story blocks, upcoming event block, vendor logos block, featured database block and 4-part footer. This template also has an "Open today" automated feature in the header.

Sample of Core Plus template



**Core Plus** (LIVE DEMO)

One of our most robust templates. Core Plus is the only template that includes a changeable leader image. It also features three (3) story blocks, three (3) icon blocks, a large image section, an upcoming events block, vendor logos block, featured database block and a 4-part footer. 

 full screenshot of what the Hero Plus template looks like



**Hero Plus** (LIVE DEMO)

One of our most robust templates. Features a static hero image with an embedded search feature on the homepage. It also includes four (4) story blocks, three (3) featured event blocks, a large image section, an upcoming events block, vendor logos block, featured database block and a 4-part footer. This template also has an "Open today" automated feature in the header.