Structural Headers

Adds the ability to create <h2> through <h6> structural headers in page content.  Before ordering, please ensure that all staff managing your library's Webkit have watched this video. Note that you will be asked to verify that this has occurred before your order will be placed into OPLIN's work queue.

Free. No cost to add this feature to your Website Kit.

Big Covers

A row of four (4) large book covers, with title, author and animated "Reserve" button. This feature appears on the homepage. Library can change the books featured at any time.

Please consult with OPLIN as to where this module can be located, depending on your library's template.

Premium: $360.00 Includes security patches and upgrades in perpetuity (no ongoing costs)

Big covers demo



This module allows you to create different layouts for different sections of book pages and pages.  See the full tutorial playlist for examples of each of the available components. 

NOTES: Installation and configuration of this module requires more time than many others; please be patient. Also, the video series will show/reference a component (Tabs Wrapper) that is not currently available.



This module easily allows you to enter questions an answers and have them displayed in an accordion interface for your visitors. 

Premium: $360.00  Includes security patches and upgrades in perpetuity (no ongoing costs)

Demo of faq module


Location Blocks

Make your events easy to find!  A side block including the address and a miniature Google Map will appear in relation to an individual event's location (See image, below).

NOTE: This module is only available for sites using the native Website Kit calendar system.

Premium: $360.00  Includes security patches and upgrades in perpetuity (no ongoing costs)

What a location block looks like

LearningExpress ends August 9

As you know, the Ohio Web Library resources are purchased by the Libraries Connect Ohio partnership, combining LSTA funds from the State Library and state funds from OPLIN, OhioLINK, and INFOhio to purchase access to these statewide databases for all Ohioans.

In the State of Ohio budget that took effect on July 1, state funding for INFOhio was cut by 42%, despite support from several legislators for restoring INFOhio's funds. As a result, INFOhio will not be able to contribute to the cost of the Ohio Web Library collection as they have in the past.

OPLIN Board changes

June 12 marked the final OPLIN Board meeting for two members who have served OPLIN well for six years.

Don W. Barlow, Director of the Westerville Public Library, and Ben Chinni, Trustee of the Euclid Public Library, have both reached the limit of two 3-year terms and were honored by the Board for their outstanding service to public libraries.